Monday, September 30, 2019

Importance in shaping law of future

In his first Supreme Court visual aspect, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. famously dissented that â€Å"Great instances, like difficult instances, make bad law† . He was of the sentiment that â€Å"great instances are called great, non by ground if their existent importance in determining the jurisprudence of the hereafter, but because of some accident of immediate overpowering involvement which entreaties to the feelings and distorts the judgement.† [ 1 ] On this note, neither Van Gend en Loos [ 2 ] nor Francovich [ 3 ] would run into the standards. Van Gend was rich in rule but lacked any overtly absorbing facts. Francovich featured a landmark determination by the Court in relation to directives that cultivated mass consciousness within the Community of the statute law with which member provinces are governed. But to any grade, it must be acknowledged that these are extremely of import instances. Both provide the Community with a foundational foundation for the statute law they helped concept. Both focused on the primary liability of Member State for a failure to carry through a Community duty. They tackle the greatest struggles within any statute law, the beginning of ultimate authorization, whether the involvements of both the EC and Member States can be harmonized and whether the system in topographic point can turn out effectual.Direct ConsequenceThe trust which persons place on its regulating jurisprudence system determines its effectivity. Whether the bulk of Citizens within the community acknowledge or rely on the commissariats allotted to them is questionable and to that consequence, EC jurisprudence is frequently undermined. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the Courts instance jurisprudence in relation to EC commissariats and how instruments of implementing these commissariats contrast. With this in head, I plan to measure the direct consequence of these community steps paying peculiar attending to related instance jurisprudence and t he opinions attached. The ever-present defeat that clouds the EC statute law is possibly most normally associated with â€Å"direct effect† and its ever-growing ambiguity. Understanding direct consequence is indispensable in groking philosophies of legal protection and effet utile. The philosophy of direct consequence provides for persons a agency to raise upon national tribunals, commissariats outlined in the Treaties, commissariats including ordinances, determinations and directives that must turn out â€Å"sufficiently clear and unconditional.† [ 4 ] The philosophy allows persons to avail of rights provided by the pacts and their commissariats and the national tribunals must esteem these rights ( Vertical direct consequence ) . Situations besides arise whereby rights are invoked against other persons and private parties ( horizontal direct consequence ) . The Doctrine derives from the struggle that exists between the involvements of EU Courts and member provinces and how to set up a qi. The kernel of the philosophy is that persons may trust upon the commissariats of directives even where the member province has failed to do agreements to impl ement them falsely. Provided that the commissariats in inquiry are clear, precise and unconditioned, direct consequence can be relied on. The Court has refrained from enlarging the philosophy of direct consequence with respects to allowing private parties rely on commissariats and raise them upon persons. The Court, on the other manus has made attempts to slake this aperture by enforcing upon national tribunals to infer national statute law, â€Å"as far as possible in the visible radiation of the diction and the intent of the directive so as to accomplish the consequence it has in view.† [ 5 ] First, I will supply a brief analysis of these EC commissariats. The most important instrument through which the EC may infringe national statute laws is the Regulations found in EC and Euratom Treaties. â€Å"A ordinance shall hold general application. It shall be adhering in its entireness and straight applicable in all Member States† [ 6 ] . They house two important and alone features. They feature a community character which enables them to straight use jurisprudence in full to all member provinces. The Member State here must fulfill ordinances and their commissariats in their entireness and the demands must be fulfilled in the method and timeframe outlined in the commissariats. Nor can the member province under any status introduce statute law that conflicts or encroaches in any manner the ordinances provided. Besides alone is their direct pertinence which allows the Acts of the Apostless to be regarded and relied upon in the same mode as national jurisprudence without he terotaxy into national jurisprudence. All members of the community are bound by Community statute law and as such, must esteem and stay these Torahs as they would their national statute law. Another component of Community jurisprudence which must be respected is that of EC or Euratom Decisions. â€Å"A determination shall be adhering in its entireness upon those to whom it is addressed.† [ 7 ] Decisions are single orders to Member States which are adhering in their entireness. The EC can therefore ask an single or state to perpetrate or exclude a title, or can confer civil rights or raise them against Member States. A determination may be contrasted to a ordinance as it is of single application. A determination inside informations explicitly the names of the individuals who become entirely bound by that determination. It is different to the directive in that it is straight applicable as ordinances are and is adhering in its entireness. Examples of cases where determinations w ere utilized include the granting or refusal of province assistance ( Articles 87 and 88 EC ) , the cancellation of operations including agreements or understandings opposing just competition ( Article 81 EC ) and the infliction of mulcts. [ 8 ]Direct Effect of Directives.Alongside EC ordinances, the European directive must be regarded as the most important bureaucratic mechanism utilised by the European Community. Directives exist in order to unify the struggle in European Law that occurs when set uping the uniformity of Community Law while procuring the cultural and structural nature of single Member States. The intent of directives as we will discourse is dissimilar to that of ordinances in that its purpose is to harmonize Community and National involvements as opposed to enforcing Community involvements. The aim is to accommodate the double aims of both the EC and Member States through bridging their involvements and extinguishing the disagreements that exist between National La w and ordinances. As respects the direct consequence of directives, Article 249 described directives as â€Å"binding, as to the consequence being achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall go forth to the national governments the pick of signifier and methods.† The Directive is acknowledged as being one of the primary instruments utilised to make the individual EU market. They are directed either separately to one Member State or to multiple provinces and necessitate the accomplishment of certain community related ends and marks. They are non straight applicable as ordinances are in that Direct Effect relates to rights formulated by commissariats that are dependable in Member State Courts whereas Direct Applicability is associated with an full legislative act I.e. it becomes portion of National Law. When in operation, directives provide members of the Community with a system for the execution of the intended result. They do non order the agencies of accomplishing that consequence. It has occurred where the statute law provided within a member province already provides for the demands of the directive and they are in bend merely required to maintain this statute law integral. More often nevertheless Member States have to change their statute law to implement the directive right and to the EC ‘s blessing ( referred to as heterotaxy ) . The failure of a province to follow with the demands of the directive or if it fails to change its national statute law as required the Commission can incite legal action against the member province in the ECJ. There are two types of direct consequence as we mentioned ; perpendicular direct consequence and horizontal direct consequence. Where commissariats sing persons rights set out by the EC have non been implemented yet the State or constituencies of the State fail to follow these rights the person may raise ‘vertical direct consequence ‘ . Vertical direct consequence is associated with the legal relationship that exists between EC jurisprudence and National Law and the demand of the MS to guarantee National statute law is in line with EC Law ( see Foster v British Gas Case C-18/89. ‘Horizontal direct consequence ‘ , in contrast, enables citizens to trust on EC commissariats in actions against other persons. An illustration of horizontal direct consequence occurs in the instance of Defrenne v Sabena where it was established that â€Å"The prohibition on favoritism between work forces and adult females applies non merely to the action of public governments, but be sides extends to all understandings which are intended to modulate paid labour jointly, every bit good as to contracts between individuals.† Directives do non hold ‘horizontal direct consequence ‘ in that their enforceability applies merely against the province. The tribunal has refrained from spread outing the direct consequence of directives to enable persons to claim against other private persons. So, although directives have no horizontal direct consequence they do enable perpendicular direct consequence significance persons may raise action against public organic structures. The definition of public organic structures was established in Foster v British Gas ; â€Å"a Directive might be relied on against administration or organic structures which were capable to the authorization or control of the State or had particular powers beyond those which result from the normal dealingss between individuals.† â€Å"a Directive might be relied on against administration or organic structures which were capable to the authorization or control of the State or had particular powers beyond those which result from the normal dealingss between individuals.† It is possible for a Directive to be invoked against â€Å"a organic structure whatever its legal signifier, which has been made responsible pursuant to a step adopted by the State for supplying a public service under the control of the State and has for that purpose particular powers beyond those which result from the normal regulations applicable in dealingss between individuals.† Hence, British Gas, a house which was privatised could be held to be an emanation of the province.Important CasesThe original construct of direct consequence was constructed by the ECJ in the instance of Van Gend en Loos [ 1963 ] . The importance of â€Å"direct effect† was highlighted by the European Court of Justice here. They argued that its function was protective to the citizens of Europe in that they were ensured that Treaty duties could be enforced against Member States therefore rendering Community jurisprudence effectual in their national legal systems. The logic presented by the EC J ensured a important importance for this new legal order. Van Gend nut Loos besides proved of import in that it formulated the standard for admiting when a peculiar proviso can hold direct consequence. For over 5 old ages important arbitration sing the old European Coal and Steele Treaty was scarce and really small definition had been withdrawn from the Treaty. Defining, disputing or watershed instances refering the harmonisation of national Torahs with international statute law were rare sing there were over 70 opinions from 1954 to 1961. In Geus v. Bosch and new wave Rijn nevertheless, the first major inquiry was cast sing how the 1958 EEC Treaty was to be interpreted under Article 177 EEC ( now 234 EC ) . It was foremost recognised by Advocate General Lagrange that greater significance should be placed on a modus operandi which was â€Å"designed to play a cardinal portion in the application of the Treaty: † â€Å"The progressive integrating of the Treaty into the legal, societal and economic life of the Member States must affect more and more often the application. and. . . , reading of the Treaty in municipal judicial proceeding. . . , and non merely the commissariats of the Treaty itself but besides those of the Regulations adopted for its execution and so of legality. Applied judiciously – 1 is tempted to state loyally – the commissariats of Article 177 must take to a existent and fruitful coaction between the municipal tribunals and the Court of Justice and the Court of justness of the Communities with common respect for their several jurisdictions.† It was held by De Geus that the ordinances withdrawn from pact commissariats become instantly applicable statute law. Boding Van Gend en Loos, Lagrange farther elaborated: â€Å"Since the Treaty, by virtuousness of its confirmation, is incorporated into the national jurisprudence, it is the map of national tribunals to use its commissariats, except when powers are expressly conferred on Community organs.† Following on from this was the unequivocal Van Gend instance where the Court established the great rule of direct consequence, supplying that the Treaty of Rome concepts rights for citizens of a Member State which must be protected. An of import instance which helped sketch the cardinal demands of direct consequence was Van Dyun v Home Office ( ( Case 41/74 ) [ 1974 ] ECR 1337 ) . Here entry for a Dutch adult female coming to work in the UK was denied. Van Dyun relied on Article 39 which ensures the right to liberate motion topic to limitations sing wellness and policy. Directing 64/221 provided that anything outside of Article 39 must be based entirely on behavior. Article 39, it was held, was non straight effectual in that farther legal Acts of the Apostless were relied upon by Member States. The directing invoked a comprehensive duty that freedoms may be based entirely on behavior, and this proved straight consequence every bit long as three important conditions were fulfilled. The directing must be ; ( I ) clear, precise and unconditioned, ( two ) non dependant on farther legislation/action by the member province or the Community, ( three ) the day of the month of execution must hold passed. The determination made in Francovich was based on the ‘effective judicial protection and effet useful philosophies. â€Å" [ I ] T has been systematically held, † the Court stated, â€Å"that the national Courts whose undertaking it is to use the commissariats of Community Law in countries within their legal power must guarantee that those regulations take full consequence and must protect the rights which they confer on individuals.† â€Å"The full effectivity of Community Law would be impaired and the protection of the rights which they grant would be weakened, † the Court concluded, â€Å"if persons were unable to obtain damages when their rights are infringed by a breach of community jurisprudence for which a Member State can be held responsible.†See Constitutionalism and Pluralism in Marbury and Van Gend, Daniel Halberstam, hypertext transfer protocol: //, % 20Constitutionalism % 20v.G end % 2008.pdf.Van Gend & A ; Loos, Case 26_62 ( 5 February 1963 )Joined Cases, C-6/90 and C-9/90, [ 1991 ] ECR I-5357Van Gerven, supra note 2 at 680. ][ 1990 ] ECR 1-4135, Court of Justice of the European Communities.Article 249 ECArticle 249 ECFrom hypertext transfer protocol: //

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Evaluation of Hmv

TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Tasks Allocation3 2. Company Web Site (hmv. com. hk)3 3. Business Model and Value Proposition3 4. Evaluation Framework4 4. 1. Context4 4. 2. Content7 4. 3. Community9 4. 4. Customization12 4. 5. Communication15 4. 6. Connection17 4. 7. Commerce19 5. Fit and Reinforcement23 6. Competitor Comparison24 7. Reference List24 1.Tasks Allocation | Business Model, Competitor Comparison, Framework Design | Evaluations of Customization, Communication, Fit and Reinforcement | Evaluations of Community | Evaluations of Connection and Commerce | |2. Company Web Site (hmv. com. hk) |HMV is a British global entertainment retailer. The retail shops are selling music, videos, games and entertainment accessories. The HMV Website’s started in 1997 and provided the online selling and delivering services. |3. Business Model and Value Proposition | HMV’s online service is a Business-to-Customer (B2C). It has been provided the different services as selling, delivering and exchange at retail’s industry.To enable competitive advantage (value proposition), the business model of â€Å"Bricks and Clicks† is performed by HMV which integrates both offline (bricks) and online (clicks) presences and the services are available 24 hours a day for all countries. HMV specializes in both physical and digital products on music, video, games and entertainment’s accessories. |4. Evaluation Framework | The evaluation of hmv. com. k will be based on 7Cs framework, including context, content, community, customization, communication, connection and commerce. Each of the 7Cs will be evaluated individually and how HMV use it to â€Å"fit† its business model and value proposition and we also look into whether consistency exists among the 7Cs. |4. 1. Context | 4. 1. 1. Pros Targeted website www. hmv. com. hk has used black and shocking pink as the theme color throughout the site. It is consistent with brand image and banner of HMV.It matches th e symbol of HMV, which is shown HMV is a trendy and fashionable CD warehouse to their target customers such as teenager, the middle class and the working people. From the functionality aspect, HMV uses tab menu as navigation tool on the top of the page to present its product or service catalogs, so it enables users to move easily back and forth between different catalogs without clicking â€Å"back† button. Moreover, the design of the website has taken into consideration of different language requirement including English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. The specific language environment can be easily changed by users.Moreover, HMV uses consistent image layout and packaging information, which helps customer to easily identify required products. It also presents the new release products in HMV, catalyzed by the type of product, such as new release of music and movies. And the special information that included the weekly top 10 sales ranking of product and the speci al offer of HMV is placed in the left hand side and right hand side of the main page. This design approach makes customer can find the important information, as known as the newest product is on sales in HMV recently in the center of the main page.On the other hand, the sales ranking and special offer information has put into left and right hand side in the page, when customer would like to know more about the sales information of HMV. The context of HMV fits its value proposition by using user-friendly tab menu which make users easily access the information and multi-language web interfaces. [pic] 4. 1. 2. Cons As a customer’s experience, an advertisement banner in the main page is quite annoying, because it started to play the promotion movie clip automatically. It does not provide any visible interface to let customer to pause or mute the promotion movie.Sometimes, customer will not prefer to see the advertisement, when the page is loading with the big band sound. [pic] 4. 1. 3. Recommendation To avoid inconvenient cause to customer on the advertisement, it is recommended to HMV that try to provide a movie interface as good as customers can play the promotion movie clip by themselves or mute the movie clip as default movie playing setting after the main page is loaded. |4. 2. Content | 4. 2. 1. Pros First of all, www. hmv. com. k is a specialty store which is selling physical products. It can be seen in the clear catalog and the sub-catalog in the top of each page. This catalog has divided HMV’s product into different type, such as â€Å"music†, â€Å"dvd†, â€Å"blue-ray†, â€Å"games† and so on. Therefore, it can be seen that HMV is a Mega specialty store which is provide multimedia to its customer. [pic] When customers click to the catalog and find his or her product that want to buy, HMV has listed the information of the product such as the price, the artist of the product, track list of the product and other p roducts that relate to the selected product.Through the information listed, customer can understand the detail of the product and the related products. As a result, the content of HMV fits its value proposition by providing sufficient information which move consumers close to purchase, because of more awareness. [pic] 4. 2. 2. Cons In the product information, only text and graphic information are provided to the customers review. As media warehouse, HMV does not provide more information such as promotion music clips or promotion video to its products. 4. 2. 3. RecommendationIt is recommended HMV to use more multimedia to aid HMV to have customer to understand the product of HMV such as promotion music clips or promotion video to its product. |4. 3. Community | 4. 3. 1. Pros The HMV does not have a community for users on its own websites. The strategy of HMV is using hyperlinks, connected to social networks. For example, Facebook, Tweeter and YouTube are integrated in HMV site to pr ovide information about latest products and discount, creates topics for iscussion and answer user's questions through these social networks. For these parts, HMV can function as advertisement and customer service. [pic] Information about latest products: Moreover, customers not only collect information passively, but also create topics and plan activities of interest to others. Apparently the degree of member participation is high and there are more user-to-user communications on these websites especially Tweeter and Facebook. Customer Service: While micro blog and social network are becoming more and more popular, it is reasonable that HMV mainly emphasizes on these websites.There is no need to create new sites, so the cost can be lower. And because micro blog and social network have millions of users, using those platforms to do advertisement and contact with customers are quite effective. Actually, micro blog and social network can be very useful tools for promoting for every B2 C company. As a result, the community of HMV can fit its business model, because they are effectively using external resource systems such as Facebook and Twitter to enable online HMV community and global communications. 4. 3. 2. ConsAfter browsing lots of products on HMV, we found that although, there is customer review section for each product behind the product introduction, only a few customers do the rating and hardly find customer reviews. Lack of comments, rating or references can influence customer purchase decision. As a consumer aspect, when buying a certain product on HMV site, they might interest other people's opinions for the references. 4. 3. 3. Recommendations Considering very few people write the customer review, there are three recommendations for HMV.Firstly, in order to grow the audiences, HMV can submit its blog to various search engines such as Google and Yahoo for making user attentions. Secondly, HMV can also build a music blog community for its fans to encou rage them to leave comments for making more interactive communications. This kind of communications might help to grow HMV’s audience and generate the customer reviews. The last suggestion is that the specific offer, discount or coupon can be provided by HMV, when writing a number of customer reviews by visitors. |4. 4.Customization | 4. 4. 1. Pros Log-in Registration: After log-in registration, users can access personal account details that contain personal information, payment method, wish list and order history, so that the users can be able to manage their personal HMV profile. Cookies: The feature of cookies is enabled by HMV to track our basket during site visit. For the â€Å"my basket†, the shopping items can be recorded by the users and saved by clicking â€Å"add to basket† button.The feature of â€Å"My Basket† also helps to provide personalized shopping basket to store the interested items, before performing business transaction. Content Pers onalization: HMV offers the features of content personalization by using â€Å"wish list†. For the â€Å"wish list†, it provides flexibility to allow users to specify their personal preferences and provides the way to keep track of products we may want to purchase at a later date. Moreover, the users can receive e-mails about sale promotions, based on a personal â€Å"wish list†.Even though, the HMV's unique customization tools try to a â€Å"fit† with its position as an innovative online music shop, we found that there are some customization features, company policies which should be improved with the following details. 4. 4. 2. Cons The web site provides some customization features such as personalized content and cookies, but there are four weakness points. First of all, HMV does not offer notification features to notify the consumers about the upcoming releases of our favorite singer.Secondly, HMV does not take responsible for any loss of privacy, dis closure or information with its web-site, this might cause negative band image for the users. Thirdly, HMV offers very limited content personalization in this stage, so that the users might not pay more attentions in their products or services. The last weakness point is that HMV does not offer the feature for reviewing visited products. 4. 4. 3. Recommendations There are limited customization features provided in HMV site.The recommendations are that HMV should consider to make sufficient privacy policy for protecting consumers, in order to build the positive band image. Although, the feature of cookies has been enabled for â€Å"My basket†, this feature should be improved, so that they can track and gather data and then return corresponding visited items, called â€Å"browsing history†. Moreover, the feature of product notification for upcoming releases of our favorite products should be provided to enhance competitive advantage. The last recommendation is about pers onalized contents, in order to address individual user needs and driving consumer behavior.According to the study â€Å"2008 ChoiceStream Personalization Survey†, there are 78% of consumers interested in receiving personalized content and 71% of consumers also believe that personalization can improve their experience [X]. Therefore, both implicit data and explicit data should be used in HMV site to provide customized experience for online shopping, called â€Å"tailoring by sites†. Implicit data should be generated by the user who choose to view the products by clicking on relevant links. Explicit data is provided by user [X].For example, â€Å"recommendation list† should be generated by HMV site to display similar category of products, based on your past shopping records. |4. 5. Communication | The overall communication of the website is good. It provides many communication channels, including email enquiry, FAQ, Phone, Facebook. Some of the Pros and Cons are l isted below: 4. 5. 1. Pros e-Mail Newsletters & Content-Update Reminders: The feature of â€Å"Newsletter† is an example of broadcast communications. The newsletters are sent via e-mail to inform subscribers about sale promotions or specific offers.Customers can choose either subscribe or unsubscribe newsletter at their discretion under â€Å"Communication Preferences† menu. Beside, the website also provides email alarm for new products and News Information broadcast, based on purchase history. As a result, customers can receive latest information via these channels. Moreover, personalized e-mail content is another type of one way information exchange from HMV to users, called â€Å"Content-Update Reminders†. The e-mail content is tailored by HMV to reflect each user's interests, based on â€Å"wish list†, so that the users from time to time to receive emails from HMV about sales promotions.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): The HMV site provides the list of questions and answers to support all commonly asked questions, called broadcast communication. It is very useful for users to know how to use HMV's web services such as configuration of cookie and checking order status, when they do online shopping. Innovative communication channels via Facebook: The feature of Facebook as social networking service is embedded in HMV site. It is an example of one-to-many, responding user. Users can share their comments regarding their experiences and respond. . 5. 2. Cons The customer service is not convenience, because the HMV does not offer the â€Å"Live HELP† support for 24 hrs. In modern life style, most customers go online shopping after working hours. Beside, the scope of FAQ session is insufficient as it only forces the basic questions. 4. 5. 3. Recommendations The service of 24 hrs â€Å"Live Help† should be provided by HMV for supporting time zone difference and providing quick response to consumers, by using read-time cha t system, like [pic] to provide the one-to-one personal Live communicational channel.Moreover, the website should enhance the FAQ session for the overall operations instead of providing the FAQ for the basic enquires only. |4. 6. Connection | 4. 6. 1. Overview The degree of target website HMV links to other website is low. In order to make a better understanding of the connection part, a similar online CD warehouse, Yesasia, is selected to compare with HMV: [pic] Base on the table above, it can be seen that HMV performs better than Yesasia.HMV has a better Google index pages and inbound links ranking, along with the Alexa ranking. But shows a little bit lower in Alexa inbound links. 4. 6. 2. Pros First of all, lesser external link may give customers the image that the company is professional. Consumers can far away from annoying advertisement. On the other hand, external link may generate some extra profit. The link here provides some latest information relating to the website. The refore, the tube from HMV can provide the customers with information about the fresh new goods. . 6. 3. Cons Although HMV has few external links, the link may not achieve customer expectation and the profit generated by this link might be low. Moreover, as HMV is mainly deal with the audios and games, which update very rapidly, so customers would more willing to have some links on introducing the latest information or selling some related products. 4. 6. 4. Recommendations As mentioned in overview, HMV need to lift the Alexa Inbound Links ranking. There are few suggestions that recommend to HMV.It can be delivered messages or published articles on the popular BBSs or Blogs linking to its own website and add the index link. Or it can exchange links with some related or similar website. |4. 7. Commerce | 4. 7. 1. Overview This website has most of the basic features of customer interface that support the aspects of trading transactions. 4. 7. 2. Pros Registration For the registration, the most impressive thing is â€Å"Individuation†. When registering, the website will record consumers’ preferences if permitted.Then it will email the information of the goods to the consumers according to their preferences. [pic] For the Shopping part, one very useful column is sales ranking. It is a good promotional way to attract customers and guide consumption. When I have no idea to buy what kind of staff, or I’m confused with which CD is good, it will be quite useful, like a shopping guide. Security Security gives an impression of convenience. Not like the general security methods by which customers need to install different kinds of digital certificates or USB key, HMV cooperates with â€Å"thawte†.Only one single click can achieve verification. It is convenient for the customers to a great extent. Besides, â€Å"Thawte† provided a security policy that guarantees all transactions inside HMV are trusted via security channel by using SSL aut hentication. Additionally, there is a guideline for customers to identify the site is safety while it has the Thawte Trusted Site Seal. [pic] 4. 7. 3. Cons Even though, HMV considers customization in registration, some negative user experiences also appear while using HMV registration interface.For instance, customers have to change their privacy settings in browser to allow the website to track the shopping cart and account details during visit, but most customers may not be willing to do so. [pic] Moreover, only one address can be stored. Usually, customer will have at least two addresses which are used for different purposes or at different times. So every time when customers want to ship items to a different address, they have to manually fill in the different address rather than choose one from the address lists. The function of shopping cart is very important in customer interface.However, it is not that 100% satisfaction. Whenever adding a product to shopping cart, the page w ill skip to the cart page. It is not convenient when customers want to continue shopping other items. What’s more, no recent history will be demonstrated about the items viewed by the customers. If the product is deleted by human mistake, customers have to go back to the original page and place the order again. 4. 7. 4. Recommendations In the registration module, information about more addresses and contact persons can be stored in the customer information.Shopping online is convenient but receiving packages sometimes could be a problem. So adding more information about delivery addresses and contact persons is necessary. Shopping cart could be more user-friendly. For instance, the deleted items can be recovered. It can operate as follows: [pic] Apart from that, what customers have to add to shopping cart can be stored in backstage and when they finish shopping, they can pay through their baskets. Furthermore, HMV can adopt â€Å"one click† shopping pattern which allow customers to make online shopping through one single click, like[pic].It is a good way to simplify purchase work flow. |5. Fit and Reinforcement | Communication is reinforced by customization (wish list) Commerce is reinforced by personalization Community is reinforced by communication (Lecture Note p. 58) Content is reinforced by customization HMV provides user-friendly customer interface to fit its business model for creating positive experiences and brand-building which make users close to purchase. 6. Competitor Comparison | |7. Reference List | [X] ChoiceStream, Inc. : Choicestream personalization survey. Research brief, 2008, pp 2-4. [X] Rayport, J. F and Jaworski, B. J. , e-Commerce, McGraw 2001. pp 113-165. [X] Probert, J. , Personalization In Digital Business, 2010, pp 1-2. ~ END

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Financial Institutions Management Research Paper

Financial Institutions Management - Research Paper Example Berger et al (1995) provide that a bank’s market capital requirements as the capital ratio that increases the value of a bank in the absence of regulatory capital essentials. In the following parts of this paper, first depository institutions working in the Australia have been elaborated. It is followed by the ANZ De-composition analysis, highlighting the profit margin and other factors. Subsequent to that, it is followed by the calculation of the duration of ANZ’s assets and liabilities. Within that part, the evaluation has been added to define the impacts and representation of different terms. It is followed by the part yield curve mentioning the impact of a 10 basis point upward. Regulatory framework for depository institutions (500) There are two major depository institutions (DI) groups working in Australia. Banks and the non-bank depository institutions are authorized to deal with and provide related financial services. In Australia, the Australian Prudential Regu lation Authority (APRA) is the central body authorizing the financial institutions to conduct the financial intermediation. With the passage of time, the size of banks has substantially increased by volume and number of banks and bank branches. Particularly in 2005, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia remained the largest bank having total assets of $ 258.93 billion and held first rank till the end of 2005. Subsequent to that, National Australia Bank, Westpac and ANZ Banking Group were secured second, third and fourth positions respectively. Banks have the largest depository institutions as far as their size is concerned as they offer and provide a wide range of different products and services to the customers. The significant distinction between the banks and savings and credit unions, known as non-banking depository institutions, is that the banks do not have limited or particular types of assets or liabilities rather banks own a variety of assets and liabilities. For example, the ANZ possessed total assets $ 594,488 and $ 531,703 million in 2011 and 2010 respectively. Aggregately, the institutions aggregate growth in the total assets was recorded around 11.81 percent during that period; total liabilities remained $ 556,634 and 397548 million in 2011 and 2010 respectively along with the total growth was 11.85 percent during that period. In addition to that, further difference between these segments includes the differences in operating features along with different profitability across the size classes. Commercial loan portfolio, higher business venture funding, capital intensive support for the giant multi-national banks are some of the key operating features differences exist between the banks and other credit and savings depository institutions. During the period from 1985 to 2005, the aggregate number of banks operating inside Australia has gone up from 13 to 49. During that period, the growth driving factors include the presence of relaxation of entry re quirements and amendments in the regulatory framework and requirements of non-depository institutions. Over a period of time, the APRA has considerably revisited the regulatory policy pertaining to banking and other commercial-cum-financial activities in the country.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - Case Study Example Characteristic to type 2 DM is insensitivity to insulin due to resistance to insulin or a decline in production of insulin by the pancreatic cells. Patients who suffer from this condition tend to be obese, a situation that affects both the young and the elderly. However, older people are at greater risk of suffering from the disease due to such factors as failure to receive proper counseling and diet, and for some cases, the nature of medication one is taking. This could be aggravated by the presence of a multiple of illnesses among the elderly that interferes with the nature of their care, exposing them to elements that could lead to development of the condition. Knowledge of health history in the lineage of an individual is important in understanding one’s chances of developing the condition. This is because people tend to inherit a pre-disposition to this disease from their parents, and only require some other element to trigger its manifestation (van Esch, et al. 2013). Chances of suffering from this condition are higher in individuals whose parents were diagnosed with the condition at a younger age. This explains the 2 percent Genetic inheritance link of the condition observed by van Esch et al. Research also shows that lifestyle plays some role in the development of the condition. For instance, the condition tends to be prevalent in obese persons, and obesity runs in families, which also tend to have similar eating habits (Fischetti, 2015). An individual’s history therefore enables the establishment of such relations, hence enabling the calculation of its chances. One of the causes of type 2 DM is being obese. Obesity is purely a lifestyle issue, majorly stemming from lack of physical activity accompanied by excess intake of calories. In order to evaluate the chances of an individual developing diabetes, assessing

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Change Management - Essay Example Secondly, the tem will start to design and develop applications for a new smart phone, a challenge that will require new skills and experience that some of the team members do not possess in the first place. These reorganizations will affect the team in a number of ways but most importantly, the team will be limited by the lack of skills and experience of some of its members since the designing and development of applications for the smart phone will require new skills and experience. Additionally, since the administration has requested for a reduced timeline, the team will have to put in substantial extra hours to meet the timelines in the design and development of apps for the smart phone. Change Management Strategies Communication of change will be a crucial aspect of the change process, particularly because it facilitates change receptivity (Frahm and Brown, 2007); the first way to communicate the reorganization plans with the team is through staff forums, where team members rais e and address all the real issues and concerns related with their work. The second way of communicating change is through site visitation, to interact with the team to find out the particular projects they are working on, and to invite them to suggest innovative ways of doing things differently. Buy-in from the team will facilitate the change process since it will align the team to the reorganization changes; the first way of gaining buy-in from the team is through clarity and consistency of the change message i.e. by offering a solid rationale for the change and passing the key message of change to all team members consistently. The second way of gaining buy-in from the team will be through invitation of dialogue, drawing the team members together in a forum for open discussions to urge their engagement and participation in the reorganization changes; participative management reduces resistance to change because it encourages members to feel valued and their opinions count (Pardo-d el-Val, Martinez-Fuentes and Roig-Dobon, 2012). The first way of dealing with resistance from the team will be though fostering openness and two-way communication by asking for suggestions on how change can occur since when team members feel in control of the process, they are more likely to accept change. The second way of dealing with resistance will be through transparency, by providing all the details of the reorganization changes without holding back information from the team. The first way of leading and motivating the team through the change will be by coaching and empowering the members to be part of the change by engaging them in decision-making processes, and to encouraging them to come up with innovative solutions to challenges by giving them responsibility. The second way of leading and motivating the team through the change is through provision of feedback that creates positive reinforcement to team members, and suggesting areas that need enhancement; coaching and feedb ack are powerful tools for maximizing performance efficiency while minimizing weaknesses (Gilley, Gilley and Heather, 2009). Two specific ways that will be used to inform the supervisor of plans and progress will be face-to-face communications and regular progress reports, which will provide details of progress including quick wins already gained in the course of change implementation. Face to face are the most effective and preferred mode of communication, especially because they allow

The slave trade in Latin America. Profit and human misery Research Paper

The slave trade in Latin America. Profit and human misery - Research Paper Example As early as the 15th century the Spanish were gaining a stranglehold on Mexico and the various tribal lands of Latin America. A series of conquistadors, essentially privateers, more adventurers than soldiers, struck out on their own to secure the spoils and riches of the new lands. Up to the 16th century activities in this part of world were predominantly exploratory treasure hunts. Standing in their way, however, were the multitude of sedentary and fierce nomadic indigenous tribes which had to be overcome if the land was to be subjugated. By 1502 the first shipload of Africans had been landed in Hispanola. By the time of the full conquest of Mexico in the 1520 and Peru in the 1530s, all the elements of the colonial system of Latin America were falling into place. In Mexico, farming and mining were underway. In Brazil, under the Portuguese, the initial period of some coexistence through bartering and trade with the Indians was morphing into formal Spanish and Portuguese royal control .1 Along with it came the beginnings of a plantation economy. On the main land, as in the Caribbean, indigenous resistance and subsequent depopulation was spreading throughout Latin America, and by 1570 war and disease had taken its toll. Traditional sources of free labor diminished, and within thirty years of the Spanish landing tribes had been decimated. Along with depopulation and the emerging economy came the recognition that a large labor force would be needed to work the mines, ranches and sugar plantations cropping up like seedlings throughout Latin America.... rld, the need for slaves expanded, prompting the Portuguese traders to explore new markets for their â€Å"product.† Within thirty years of Columbus’s discovery, the Portuguese, beginning in Brazil, tapped into the growing market and before long were supplying an unending cache of slave workers for a burgeoning sugar industry. Assessing the northeastern coast of Brazil as particularly adopted to sugar growth, they began importing thousands of African slaves to that area, each of which was â€Å"not a mere captive but a commodity†¦ an investment†¦[that]†¦ impelled a vast expansion of the American sugar dominions. 2—an expansion that would eventually evolve as a lucrative commercial enterprise over the next three centuries via numerous other European slave traders. Estimates say that â€Å"By 1700 nearly three-quarters of the population of the British West Indies was African.† 3 Many countries including the French, Dutch and British eventuall y became prominent in the slave trade. The details of the actual practice seem today stunningly inhumane. And least it be forgotten, the truth remains that â€Å"The slave trade [its practices] was so awful in itself that one is apt to forget that it was merely a means to an end.† 4 That end was profit. Life on the Slave Ship Numerous accounts exist of the misery, suffering and dehumanizing environment of the slave ship that defy all modern sense of morality â€Å"as a brutally efficient piece of technology and site of struggle.† 5 All of the Europeans—Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, British, French and Italians--freighted ships laden with barter to trade with Africans for African slaves. To those slave traders 16th through the 18th century, practices that would now be condemned universally as nothing short of â€Å"deliberately concealed

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Most Appropriate Way of Analyzing and Representing Data Article

The Most Appropriate Way of Analyzing and Representing Data - Article Example This is meant to make a researcher come up with a simpler way of data analysis without following the rigid linear method. A major problem existed when it came to coding and five major approaches were unearthed for the purpose of data analysis as discussed below. For the purposes of chronology, the steps involved in this case is organizing data files, the creation of initial codes, description, interpretation, and presentation of this data. As such, this method can be said to be used appropriately for qualitative research. However, all aspects of the data analysis methods were not justified clearly shown by Cresswell. The accumulation of other elements such as beginning scrutiny by focusing on a distinct element. This could have also made the method more effective. The grounded theory is also known as constant equation theory whose stages are more detailed and include; organizing the data, getting to know the data, open coding, axial coding and checking the results of the analysis. This method has been effectively used to study recovery from child abuse according to the text thus it has been used appropriately for research analysis. Creswell clearly gives a step to step process before a hypothesis is made. However, the results of the analysis were not presented in the study above and thus all processes were not justified. The best way to correct this according to Miles and Huberman would be to present sub-stages in the presentation of analysis. Used successfully for analyzing personal experiences, the structured steps include; description of the experience, stating significant statements, grouping significant statements, answering the questions what and how and lastly writing a description of the phenomenon.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4

International business - Essay Example Their expectation is that these additional aircraft will allow Ryanair to double in size to over 84 million passengers each year by 2012. Moreover, Ryanair currently employs a team of 4,200 people, comprising over 25 different nationalities (About Ryanair). Ryanair’s competitive strategy is quite simple. The company offers the lowest fares of any airline operating in Europe. The firm has succeeded by holding its average fare below â‚ ¬50, which is about a third lower than even EasyJet’s, its strongest low-price competitor. The company sells seats on a one-way basis. Fares are set on the basis of demand for particular flights and by reference to the period remaining to the date of departure of the flights; higher fares are charged on flights with higher levels of demand made nearer to the date of departure. The secret of Ryanair’s success in their business could be drawn out of how they were able to narrow the value network by eliminating non core activities and to shorten the value network by eliminating processes that are part of the value chain. The company’s aircraft handling, ticketing and other services at certain airports are handled by third party contractors, which is Servisair. The company has its own internet booking facility and reservation centre, and generates the majority of its sales through direct selling (through website and telephone reservations). Ryanair also provides various ancillary services and engages in other activities connected with its core air passenger service, including non-flight scheduled services; in-flight sale of beverages, food and merchandise; and internet-related services. As part of its non-flight scheduled and internet-related services, Ryanair offers accommodation services, car rentals, rail tickets, and travel insurance through both its website and its traditional telephone reservation

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Justification By Faith, The Book of Romans Research Paper

Justification By Faith, The Book of Romans - Research Paper Example The just shall live by faith. The Dominican Monk in charge of the Wittenberg Cathedral, Tetzel, had introduced a shameful doctrine of paying for the forgiveness of sins. He saw this as a powerful strategy towards the construction of a church building. After reading Romans, Luther saw this doctrine, amongst others which he came to reject later, as falsified1. His act ignited a fire in Europe that saw the birth of the Protestant church, which up to today is in constant doctrinal conflict with the Catholics. One of the subjects which draw a lot of argument is the subject of Justification by Faith. Both theologians, philosophers, clergy men and average Christians alike have engaged in this century’s old debate about the nature of justification. Inasmuch as both agree that there is an immortal justification of the mortal soul, the means to this justification seems to draw a significant difference between Catholics and Protestants. Some hold that believes that are justified by faith alone while the rest strongly believe that justification happens due to faith and good works alone. ... g made right with God; the initial step towards Christian living, whereas the other group sees justification as a continuing process, a day by day activity until we reach our final destiny. This paper will attempt to shade some light on the topic of justification by faith as handled by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Romans. This Book is the longest Pauline epistle, besides being referred to as the most important theological legacy in history of Christianity. Most scholars have described the Book as Paul’s masterpiece. Wright, N (†¦) calls it â€Å"neither a systematic theology nor summary of Pauls’ lifework, but his master piece, which dwarfs most of his other works, an Alpine peak towering over hills and villages.† The epistle is believed to have been authored by Paul himself when he was in Corinth, probably when he was about to live the city to Jerusalem. There are few objections to this, stating that the letter was authored by his secretary, Terti us, under his direct instruction. Most scholars have agreed that the Books written between 55-56 A.D or 56-57 A.D., a time when Paul was about to leave Corinth for Jerusalem2. However, some scholars have disputed these dates, giving 58 or 55 as possible dates. Ludemann (†¦) argues that the epistle was written in early 51 or 52. Paul was addressing the church in Rome, which was made up of both Jews and Gentiles. The larger Roman population was Jewish; hence they were able to influence a substantial number of Gentile converts. While scholars are in most cases able to determine the style of most New Testament Books, the Book of Romans has proved a challenge to most. They have been unable to agree on whether the Book is a just a letter or an epistle. Deismann (1927) states that a letter is more non-literary, being

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects of Poor Diet and Obesity on Heart Essay Example for Free

Effects of Poor Diet and Obesity on Heart Essay A good diet consists of consuming a full range of all the various nutrients needed for proper function of the body and bodily systems. When someone consumes the correct nutrients in the correct proportions, they are considered to have a â€Å"Balanced Diet†. However, when someone is not consuming the correct nutrients or not consuming the correct amount of nutrients they are said to have a poor diet or â€Å"malnutrition†. Malnutrition is often misconceived to be just the lack of nutrients in the body causing illness and Anorexia; however this is in fact incorrect as malnutrition can also be defined as the excessive consuming of nutrients which contain more energy than the body uses. This is most commonly known as â€Å"Obesity†. In Britain and most first world countries, obesity is one of the most serious effects of malnutrition. It can be extremely dangerous due to the build up of a certain fat known as â€Å"Adipose Tissue† under the skin and around major bodily organs. Someone can usually be defined as being obese if they have a BMI of over 30 (BMI can be calculated by dividing mass in Kg by height in Meters, squared). Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a common disorder of the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with oxygenated blood. It is a major cause of death in developed with Reports in the UK suggesting that 3-4% of men aged between 35 and 74 die each year due to the effects of CHD. In the reports for women, the risk appears to be about half of this figure. Each year around 156000 people in England and Wales die from CHD. The heart is used as a pump to pump blood around the body; this is done via the contracting of the hearts muscles. This process needs a continuous supply of oxygen in order to function, however if this oxygen supply is cut off or slowed down the muscle cannot contract and therefore the muscle will soon die. One of the processes that can restrict the amount of oxygen getting to the heart is called â€Å"atherosclerosis† alternatively known as â€Å"Hardening of the Arteries†). This can lead to the coronary arteries to be blocked due to the build up of mater ials inside the artery walls. This causes the amount of space available for the oxygen to pass through the artery to become heavily constricted. Atherosclerosis is a very slowly developing problem and people who contract it normally do not show any signs until they are at least 40 years of age. However in some people, the process can be caused to happen much faster. This is normally due to things such as high blood pressure, the presence of low-density lipoproteins (LDL’s) or even excessive amounts of harmful chemicals in the blood cuased by things such as the excessive consumption of tobacco. Damage from the presence of these substances will build up inside the coronary artery and exist as deposits known as an atheromatous plaque. Once this plaque has restricted the wideness of the lumen by 50% or more, flow of oxygen into the heart muscle will not meet required amounts and will cause a pain to be felt during exercising known as â€Å"angina†. This pain is felt in the left shoulder, chest and arm, but can still be felt in the neck and left side of the face for some people. Another danger from the presence of an atheromatous plaque in the coronary arteries is the danger of a blood clot being formed around the plaque. These blood clots are known as a â€Å"Coronary thrombosis† and are caused by fibrous protein Collagen coming into contact with the platelet which causes the platelet to secrete a chemical that react with the blood and cause a clot to form. These blood clots further slow down the flow of blood through the artery. This could cause the part of the heart receiving the oxygen from this artery to fail in receiving enough blood and therefore shut down or stop the heart from beating altogether. When this happens it is called a â€Å"myocardial infarction†. A myocardial infarction is a very serious condition in which the heart fails to beat. Around 90% of all cases of myocardial infarction are direct effects from the problems aroused by Coronal thrombosis. Myocardial infarctions are potentially fatal if a large amount of muscle is affected. Cardiac arrests are a result of myocardial infarction due to the lack of beating from the heart. During a cardiac arrest, no pulse can be felt on the victim and also the victim will lose consciousness (faint). If the heart is not restarted before the muscle cells starts to die off, then the victim will also die. A reconstruction of the effect an Atheromatous Plaque can have upon the wideness of the Lumen inside a blood vessel (self made image) Cholesterol is an important substance in the structure of cell membranes and we must have a certain amount of it in our body or the liver will produce its own form of cholesterol to be transported and used by cells. However, evidence from tests completed by scientists suggests that having an excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of suffering from CHD. It is still unclear whether or not ones levels of cholesterol in the blood stream can be controlled by ones diet although, data does show that eating large amounts of saturated fats can increase your chance of having a high cholesterol blood content. Excessive cholesterol can be dangerous as it is not soluble in water so therefore it cannot be transported using the blood plasma transportation system. Instead it must be transported around the body in something called â€Å"lipoproteins† which are tiny balls made up of various lipids, cholesterol and proteins. There are many varieties of lipoproteins which are normally categorised into 3 main sub-sections. These sub-sections are defined by the amount of protein they contain (also known as their density) and consist of: High Density Lipoprotein (HDL): High protein content and low lipid content Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL): High Lipid content and lower Protein content Chylomicrons: a very high lipid content and very low protein content HDL’s are usually given the job of picking up cholesterol from around the body and transporting it to the liver. On the other hand, LDL’s are usually given the job of transporting cholesterol from the lover to other parts of the body. LDL’s play a part in the formation of an atheromatous plaque due to the tendency for them to deposit cholesterol into the damaged walls of arteries; in contrast HDL’s seem to actually help in preventing CHD. This is because they remove cholesterol from tissues including those of blood vessel walls. Therefore a person who has a high HDL: LDL ratio in their body would be much better protected against CHD than someone who does not. The structure of a lipoprotein (this one could be a LDL due to its High Lipid content and lower Protein content) ( Blood pressure can be defined as the pressure that blood inside vessels applies onto the walls of the vessel in which it is being transported. If a person has an exceptionally high blood pressure, they are said to have â€Å"hypertension†. This increases ones risk to CHD by causing the walls of the arteries to thicken and stiff much like atherosclerosis causes the blood vessels to become hardened. The cause of high blood pressure is not always clear in every case. However scientists have suggested that a high intake of salt or the excessive consumption of lipids may be aiding in the creation of a high blood pressure, this is due to the high water affinity of salt itself which could be drawing in water via osmosis, increasing the volume of blood and therefore pressure upon the blood vessels. High blood pressure is normally combated naturally by the body via the kidneys which would excrete more liquid containing the salt solution; however this process does not always work therefore leading to people with high blood pressure being either advised to just eat a low- salt diet or be given diuretics which will make the kidneys complete the process. In conclusion, It can be seen that both poor diet and obesity can both have a certain effect upon the chances of someone contracting Coronary Heart disease, however it can also be seen that the effects from both of these problems could easily be combated by simply eating a healthier diet containing all of the nutrients needed in the body and also in the correct proportions allowing for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Level Of Education System Between India

The Level Of Education System Between India The project provides valuable information on the research work undertaken on the subject To know the difference between the level of education system between UK and India as a part of country report work during semester abroad programme (SAP). The research was conducted on the basis of primary data and secondary data. A questionnaire was structured to obtain desired information. With the sample size of 50 personal interviews was conducted in Student mansion and Birkeck University to know what perspective do the Indian students have towards the education level of both India as well as UK and a basic secondary research was undertaken to understand the education level of both India as well as UK. The data collected was tabulated, analyzed and then followed by findings and recommendations. The study suggested that although the study material is the same in both the countries but the pattern of teaching differs. Thus the Indian students who come to UK to study has an opinion that the stud ies conducted here are more practical based and gives them a greater insight and understanding. INTRODUCTION This report pertains to the country report which was a part of the Semester abroad proramme (SAP) provided by Amity London Business School. The basic purpose of this country report is to provide students with an exposure of analyzing the country, to identify variations in both the countries that is in India and UK and thus choosing a topic of their interest in order to conduct a research. With the help of this country report students develop different skills in terms of creative thinking, communication skills, behavioral skills, technical skills, interpersonal skills, etc. thus the institute has provided students to do a country report. The country report was conducted on to know the difference between the education system between India and UK. The word education has arrived from the world educere which means to bring about what is already in. As Swami Vivekananda said, Education is the manifestation of perfection, already present in man. The basic purpose of education is to notice talent proactively and the purpose of school education is to guide the childs discovery of himself, to identify and nurture his potential to the fullest. Teachers must perceive children as seeds to be nurtured and not as clay to be molded. They must act as gardeners and not as potters. This attitude must be change and if it does so would the education system. It is very essential that education should be based on application and intelligence instead of trying to test the memory of knowledge. Memory doesnt have much relevance in todays times given the volume of information which is available on the internet. It is the application of information that matters and to be tested. Students must be taught the difference between being wise and being knowledgeable; being well informed and being intelligent. People must be cautious of Information pollution which comes along with globalization and which often blurs the difference between knowledge and wisdom. The education system must encourage the students to imagine and invent and not reinvent the same wheel. Each students imagination is different and, therefore, he has to be guided correctly to choose his occupation in life. There is no denying in the fact that a person who has found his vocation in life is a blessed human being. Education in India: A superior education system is of primary importance to a nation and for a nation like India which is growing, it is of great importance to reflect on our present education system and incorporate sustainable changes in it, to make it compatible with the global dynamism. The education which is been provided in India is via Public sector and Private Sector, which is been controlled and funded by three levels i.e. the central, state and Local. The University of Nalanda is the oldest system of education in the world. Majority of the universities in India are been controlled by the Union and the state government. Western education became more embedded into Indian society with the establishment of the British Raj. India has made a great progress in terms of increasing the primary education attendance rate and thus has expanded the literacy rate to approximately two third of the population. As the education has enhanced in India this has led to an increase in the economic rise in India. The private education in India constitutes to just 5% although in terms of value estimated is $40 billion in 2008 and which will increase to $68 $70 billion by 2012. Though the education system of India has improved still 25% of the population is illiterate in India, 15% who make it to high school, graduate. Indias post secondary education offers only 7% of Indias age population. 25% of the seats are vacant nationwide and 57% of the college professors lack either a masters or PhD degree. Indias higher education is the 2nd largest after the United States. The main governing body at the tertiary level is the (UGC) i.e. University grants commission which helps in maintaining the standard, advices the government and it helps in the coordination between the centre and the state. The Indian education system has expanded at a very vast and a quick pace by adding 20,000 colleges and more than 8 million students in a decade from 2000 01 to 2010 11. As of 20122, India has over 42 central universities, 275 state universities, 130 deemed universities, 90 private universities, 5 institutions established and functioning under the state Act and 33 institutes of national importance. Other institutions include 33,000 colleges at government degree colleges and private degree colleges. The system of Education in India is highly similar to that of the Anglo Sazon countries. The following are the stages: Nursery Primary Class ( 1 to class 5) Secondary ( class 6 to class 10) Senior Secondary (class 11 Class 12) Graduation (Arts and commerce 3 years, professional 4 years, Medical 5 years) Post graduation (1/2 3 years) The present scenario of the Indian Education system: The present Indian educational system is the implantation of the British rules. Today India is said to be the communication hub and hence it has become very popular with the international students from all around the world. The Indian education has become highly attractive because of its forward thinking, its popularity with large multinational companies, and also because of English being the most common language of communication. According to Peter Ducker, India has become a super power house very fast, the medical school in Delhi is now said to be perhaps the best in the world. The technical graduates of the Indian institute of technology, Bangalore are as good as any in the world. Also India has 150 million people for whom English is the main language so indeed India is becoming a knowledge center. Education In UK: Education in UK is a devolved matter with all of the countries of UK having separate systems under separate governments: that is the UK government is responsible for England, and the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Executive are responsible for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, respectively. UK offers an inclusive range of academic and vocational qualifications in virtually all field and subject for students of all stages and ages of their education. A wide range of institutions or universities in Uk offers courses in each level from schools, colleges and higher education. In all the levels other than the primary education students can choose to study towards the wide variety of different qualifications. Education in UK is mandatory for everyone between the ages of 5 and 16 and it is been provided by 2 kinds of schools: state 0 funded schools and independent/ fee charging schools. In the highly competitive global economy the educational performance of the UK population is below the standard of the best performing OECD countries. This is reflected in the UKs relatively low secondary school completion rates. It is because of the current situation of the secondary school system has led to the creation of new diplomas to provide young students with alternative routes into continuing education and work. In higher education sphere there are 169 British Universities offering world class studies to 2.4 million young people, around 1 in 8 of whom comes from overseas .The UK is the second largest provider of higher education for international students. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The study has been conducted with the following objectives in mind: To know the opinion of Indian students studying in the UK on education system of UK and India. Which education system provides with greater insight and understanding. To identify which education system will provides with more practical knowledge. Which education system provides with greater value and opportunities for future? PROBLEM STATEMENT: To analyze the difference of management education system between India and UK METHODOLOGY: METHODOLOGY: The study was undertaken by using both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire which was personally canvassed. Around 50 Indian students were surveyed to understand the opinion of Indian students on the education system of UK and India. All the students interviewed were between the age group of 18 to 25 years. The questionnaire contained questions related to education system in India and UK. Primary data was also collected by doing a Face to Face In- depth survey of the students to get the insight of the students regarding their opinion towards the education system of India and UK. Secondary data was collected through internet, newspaper, magazine etc. Secondary data will help in analyzing the education system in both the countries. Sampling: The samples of 50 Indian students have been collected from the student mansion and Birkbeck University for Quantitative research and sample of 5 has been take for face to face survey of the students. Sample Size: The sample size of 50 has been collected in which there will be a structured questionnaire and sample of 5 has been chosen for qualitative survey. The study requires and in depth survey so as to know the insight of the students regarding the education system in both the countries. PRIMARY RESEARCH: Primary research was undertaken by doing a survey of 50 International students. A structured questionnaire was prepared on questions relating to education system in UK and India. Graphical representation of the survey Which countries teaching do you prefer? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 22 22*100/50 44% UK 28 28*100/50 56% Analysis: The project was undertaken to analyze the opinion of Indian students towards the education system of UK and India with a sample size of 50 students, the respondents were asked which country classroom teaching do they prefer? 22 out of 50 responded India i.e. 44%. And 28 out of 50 responded UK i.e. 56%. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that the Indian students who have experienced the education system of both the countries that is UK and India prefer UK teaching methodology. Which education system provides you with greater practical knowledge? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 15 15*100/50 30% UK 35 35*100/50 70% Analysis: Since out of 50 sample size chosen, 15 out of 50 i.e. 30% responded that Indian education provides then with less practical knowledge and 35 out of 50 i.e. 70% responded that UK education provides them with greater practical knowledge. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that the education in UK is more practical based and provides students with more insight and understanding about the topic which will help the students in the competitive world in the near future after the completion of their course. 2.1) If UK, why do you find this education system more practical based? FREQUENCY More of industrial visits 29 Class room based activity 12 Primary research assignment 17 Role plays 20 Others 7 Analysis: In the above (2) question when asked which education provides you with greater practical knowledge 70% students responded UK. When asked why they find UK education system more practical based. Out of 50 students, 29 students responded there are more of industrial visits, 12 responded because of class room based activity, 17 responded because of primary research assignment, 20 responded because of role plays. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that maximum students who find UK education more practical based is because there are more number of industrial visits, primary research assignments, classroom based activity etc. 2.2) If India , why do you find this education system more practical based? FREQUENCY More of industrial visits 14 Class room based activity 12 Primary research assignment 7 Role plays 28 Others 19 Analysis: In the above (2) question when asked which education provides you with greater practical knowledge 30% students responded India. When asked why they find Indian education system more practical based. Out of 50 students, 14 students responded there are more of industrial visits, 12 responded because of class room based activity, 7 responded because of primary research assignment, 28 responded because of role plays. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that in India there is not much of practical based studies for students. There is less number of field trips, primary research assignments and classroom based activity. What according to you should India adapt from UK teaching? FREQUENCY Openness 27 Citing practical examples 35 Improvement in technological advancement 22 Others 13 Analysis: Out of the 50 students surveyed, when asked what should India adapt from UK classroom teaching, 27 students responded openness in terms of interaction with the faculty, asking them questions etc. 35 students responded that the faculty in India should cite more of practical examples rather than bookish knowledge.22 students responded that there should be improvement in the technology .and 13 students responded others. How far is India lagging behind in comparison to UK in terms of use of technology? FREQUENCY CALCULATE PERCENTAGE Very Much 18 18*100/50 36% Not so much 25 25*100/50 50% Not at all 7 7*100/50 14% Analysis: since out of the 50 sample size chosen, when students were asked does India lag behind in terms of technology 18 out of 50 i.e. 36% responded very much, 25 out of 50 i.e. 50 % responded not so much and 7 out of 50 i.e. 14% responded not at all. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that India requires improvement in technology. Which education system is more liberal in teaching? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 15 15*100/50 30% UK 35 35*100/50 70% Analysis: Out of the sample size of 50, when students were asked which education system they find more liberal, 15 out of 50 i.e. 30% responded India and 35 out of 50 i.e. 70% responded UK. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that UK is more liberal in its attitude as compared to India. Which education system do you find more exam oriented? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage Indian education system 31 31*50/100 63% UK education system 29 29*50/100 37% Analysis: Out of the sample size of 50, when asked which education system you find more exams oriented? 31 out of 50 i.e. 63% responded that Indian education system is exam oriented and rest 29 out of 50 i.e. 37% responded that UK education system is less exam oriented. Therefore from the above analysis it states that because of the pressure from the faculty and parents or to get a good placement in future marks are essential and hence a lot of importance is given to exams in India where as on the other hand in UK they focus more on understanding of the subject rather than cramming up on the topic and writing in the exam. In which country do you get more acknowledgement and respect to your views and opinions? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 11 11*100/50 21% UK 39 39*100/50 79% Analysis: from the survey conducted, when students were asked in which country you find more comfortable to express your views and opinions? 11 out of 50 i.e. 21% students responded in India and 39 out of 50 i.e. 79% responded in UK. Hence from the above analysis it states that students find it more comfortable to express their views and ideas in UK. An idea or opinion which is been stated by a particular student is appreciated as people here are more open to ideas and are not conservative. Which country provides you with greater opportunities for future? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 33 33*100/50 66% UK 17 17*100/50 34% Analysis: From the survey conducted, when the students were surveyed which country provides them with greater opportunities for future 33 out of 50 responded India and 17 out of 50 responded UK. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that India provides with greater opportunities in terms of future growth. Which curriculum is more managed and structured? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 22 22*100/50 44% UK 28 28*100/50 56% Analysis: The survey that was conducted, when the students were asked which curriculum do they find more managed and structured? 22 out of 50 i.e India and 28 out of 50 i.e. 56% responded UK. Thus from the above analysis it shows that the study pattern is more organized in UK as compared to India. In which country would you advice your friends, family for studies? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 21 21*100/50 42% UK 29 29*100/50 58% Analysis: Out of the 50 students that were surveyed, when students were asked in which country would you prefer your friends and family for studies? 22 out of 50 i.e. 44% responded India and 28 out of 50 i.e. 56% responded UK. Thus from the above analysis it shows that students would prefer their friends and family to study in UK over India. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: Face to face in- depth survey was conducted of 5 students in order to know the insight of the students. Unstructured questions were asked to students in order to know what they feel about the education system of UK and India. The following are the view points of the students: As compared to India students find UK education is more practical based in terms of visiting industrial. The example that was cited by the students was that back in India they have studied the theoretical perspective of the subject. But when they went for industrial visit here they could relate what they had studied in the past and could thus apply in future when they work for an organization. They got to know about the various lines of processes. Students mentioned how class room activity helps them to think out of the box. Students in UK have given a stipulated time and in that time frame they need to come up with a role play where in they have to come up with a solution of the problem. This enables the students to think swiftly and think in other directions. They even mentioned how case studies are given in each class after the theoretical summary about the subject. Real time cases are been given to students so that students can read the entire case and thus analyze the situation and thus discussing the problem in class and providing solution for the same. The students have mentioned about technology which is more advanced in UK as compared to India. In UK everything can be operated on the podium starting from switching off the lights, opening and shutting the window chick, the projector screen etc which saves a lot of time. They have spoken about how liberal UK is in its attitude while teaching. The faculty here believes in breaking the standard barrier of thinking in one direction and to think in various directions for proving a solution to a problem. Some of the students have even mentioned that even if in UK the emphasis on exams is not to that extent as compared to India, this even leads to students not taking exams seriously. Even though understanding of the subject is essential a base for the subject is essential which can be acquired by reading the theory. Hence students feel emphasis on exams should give to acquire more in depth knowledge. Students when surveyed mentioned that more opportunities for future placement for a job and for future growth is more seen in India as compared to India. FINDINGS: From the above research conducted by Quantitative and Qualitative the following are the findings: The Education System of UK is more practical based as compared to India as it provides students with more to industrial visit which helps the students to gain knowledge about the processes and workings that are undertaken. In UK they find their ideas and views to be acknowledged and respected and are even appreciated thus motivating the students to accomplish what they desire in future. The faculty in UK provides students with their real life experiences rather than the giving bookish example. Students find the opportunity for job or placement in India as compared to UK. The opportunity for future growth is seen in India as compared to UK. The education system in UK ensures students to have great amount of exposure in terms of solving case studies, class room activity on an everyday basis. On contrary the education system in India ensures students to participate more in role plays rather than field trips. The attitude in expressing views and opinions in Indian education system lacks openness. There is lack of technical advancement in India as compared to UK which saves a lot of time and energy of students and faculty as well. The education system in India is more exam oriented as compared to UK which is in a way vital as the students will not take their studies liberally. RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESSTIONS: In India students must be taken to various Industrial visits in order to get them a greater insight of the working of management processes, working inside the organization. Indian Education system must have brainstorming sessions for students so that they can think out of the box and express their opinions and views. Indian Education system must have brainstorming sessions for students so that they can think out of the box and express their opinions and views. As compared to UK, India is lagging behind technology. Hence use of technology in a better way to enhance the learning experience of students thus saving time, cost and energy. There should be many more courses in India which concentrates on research fields only for the companies. As India is more exam oriented than UK, UK education system should have more emphasis on exam this would increase their knowledge to a great extent. ANNEXURE 1 QUESTIONNARE NAME: COURSE: Which countries teaching do you prefer? INDIA UK Which education system provides you with greater practical knowledge? INDIA UK 2.1) If UK, why do you find this education system more practical based? More of Industrial Visits Class room based activity Primary based assignment Role plays Other ) If India , why do you find this education system more practical based? More of Industrial Visits Class room based activity Primary based assignment Role plays Other What according to you should India adapt from UK teaching? Openness Citing Practical examples Improvement in technological advancement Others How far is India lagging behind in comparison to UK in terms of use of technology? Very Much Not so much Not at all Which education system is more liberal in teaching? INDIA UK Which education system do you find more exam oriented? Indian education system UK Education System In which country do you get more acknowledgement and respect to your views and opinions? INDIA UK Which country provides you with greater opportunities for future? INDIA UK Which curriculum is more managed and structured? INDIA UK In which country would you advice your friends, family for studies? INDIA UK

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Good evening everyone. My name is Toyota Moko, and I am an international student from Japan. As the first-ever international student speaker on commencement, I am very honored to be here tonight to be given this opportunity to speak on behalf of the graduating class of the 2003. Born and grew up in Tokyo where speaking English was absolutely absent in my eighteen years of life, one day the life-changing experience came to me. When I was fifteen-years-old, the summer of 1998, I came to America for the very first time for the home stay program through my high school. The three weeks I spent in Snohomish have brought me a wonderful encounter with my American family. John, Margo and Jennifer Turner have truly become my second family away from home. Despite the fact that I was a stranger from Japan, the Turner family treated me as if I was a part of their family, even though I had spoken broken English. During these three weeks, I was exposed to many cultural differences between America and Japan, and I was especially moved by the American people and its society where one is able to not only accept, but mutually respect and honor multicultural background and heritage. Coming from homogeneous country of Japan, this to me was a very fresh insight, and I still remem ber how it struck me. After I came back to Japan, I kept in touch with my American family via e-mail. And they invited me to stay with them if I were to study at the college. I spent years preparing for my study abroad, and with the great help of the Turner family, Ms. Joy Fitzpatrick who is the international student program coordinator, and my parents, I entered America as an international student on March 11, 2001, only one week after my high school graduation in Japa... ...y just few weeks ago on May 17. My grandfather was full of ambition and care for his family, and he especially loved me as his granddaughter. I was able to make this speech because I do believe that my grandfather will be sitting in the first row and listening to my speech at this very moment. He kept his promise to be alive until I have become twenty years old, so it is now my turn to promise him to carry on his spirit and all the knowledge and wisdom he had taught me. And more than anybody else, this honor goes to my dearest Turner family and my parents and family in Japan for making it possible for me to experience this incredibly astounding journey in America. Congratulations class of 2012! From the bottom of my heart, I wish all of you a shining future! Thank you for having me this special moment. Arigatougozaimasita! (Japanese: "Thank you very much.")

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Effective Use of Color in William Gibsons Neuromancer :: Neuromancer Essays

Effective Use of Color in Neuromancer As I sit in my chair and type this essay, I am amazed to see myself staring into the computer next to me and wondering if William Gibson was indeed correct. The screen, which is a dark gray, has been put on "sleep mode" by Windows 98 but has not been powered off. It is not only the monitor that troubles me as I stare blankly into it, but rather, it is "the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." This is how Gibson touches the reader in Neuromancer. He uses images of colors with which the human eye is all too familiar, and, more specifically, he uses shades of these colors. One color, which particularly stands alone in Gibson's use and effectiveness, is gray. It represents so much in the novel and adds incredible dimensions beyond simple description. With the opening line, the coloring reveals the nature of his futuristic Earth. "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." In the modern world, there are not too many people who do not know this color. The "snow" effect has been commonly used to describe it, as well as static, haze, and a number of other terms, but the color remains the same. It is the color of frustration, hopelessness and non-clarity, much like Case's world. There is very little hope left in Case's life as Gibson opens the novel, and within fifteen words, the reader is well aware of this fact. Not only does the world continue a bleak existence, but so to do the main characters of the novel. Molly, for example, is a lost assassin. She is not physically lost but rather spiritually as she has turned into a killing machine. The only true way to describe it is cold-blooded. Her icy nature is revealed, once again, through the use of the color gray. Her eyes, or what is left of them, used silver, mirrored lenses. Just by her paratactic description, the reader syntactically knows her faults through her faulty vision. In addition to Molly, one other member of Case's team is flawed using the color gray. This is Armitage, or Corto. Armitage is merely a shell of a man created by an Artificial Intelligence. To indicate the instability of Armitage/Corto, Gibson shows Armitage in a gray business suit, which contrasts starkly to the image the reader sees of Corto's military days, where he would have worn a camouflaged uniform.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Whirligigs by Paul Fleischman :: essays research papers

Whirligigs by Paul Fleischman After getting humiliated at a party, Brent drives away drunk and decides to kill himself. Letting go of the wheel on the highway, he ends up killing someone else. He killed a girl named Lea. Her mom asks Brent to put up 4 whirligigs, one in each corner of the US. Since they were Lea’s favorite toys, they’re meant to be monuments representing Lea’s ability to make people happy. With wood, sum tools, a book on whirligigs, and a bus pass, Brent leaves on his trip to build the whirligigs. In each of the 4 states, someone sees’ one of the whirligigs and learns a lesson. After seeing the whirligig in Florida, a young Puerto Rican dad learns an important lesson. It’s that people in a group can make good music or bad music. A young girl and her dying grandmother get a lot closer after seeing the whirligig in San Diego, California. In Washington, an adopted kid finds out that his life isn’t that bad after all. And lastly, a girl and her best friend are reunited in Maine. The biggest lessons learned are the ones that Brent learns on his trip to the four spots. All kinds of people contribute to Brent’s change of attitude; one comment or story or facial expression at a time. Not only does he help himself, but also several people that he meets. Some of the conflicts were the times when the kid was throwing rocks at his first whirligig, and when he left his whirligig book on the bus. Each conflict leads to a good ending though. The kid that was throwing rocks at it somehow gained a respect for the whirligig, after his mom told him off. Brent figured that the whirligig had helped him this far and now it was time for the book to help inspire someone else. So the whirligigs turned into a far bigger influence than anyone else could imagine. The rising action of the story was when he would find friends and they would help him to realize certain things about himself. The biker that he met helped him get started on stars. One of the maids that he met on his trip had shown him kindness and through this, she taught him that u can always have a fresh start or second chance at life as long as you try hard enough. And the artist that he met at the ocean helped him learn that u shouldn’t always judge a book by its cover, there might be more to someone than you think.

Computer a Boon or a Bane

According to me the computer is boon to mankind. People are helpless without computer. Today it is the employments of millions of people. Computer is the greatest invention on earth especially for students. In fact, students and teachers are encouraged to use Information and Communication technology. It connects everyone in world. We can communicate with each other. The computer has made everybody's life easier. According to the recent research kids play online games regularly have better reaction time, visual activity and dexterity than kids who do not play  games on computer. Games help children to identify things in a faster way, to develop skills in sport and business. Computer considered as Machinery God , is an electronic device that reduces human laborious effort. In this 21st century,computer can be known by the name of next human brain. The invention of computer made human life much easier,faster and comfortable. Computer is regarded as one of the greatest achievements made by Scientist till now. Computer ,an electronic device, which has made life easier and comfortable is today surrounded with many questions of threats . Whether Computers are helping us or creating problem to us is matter of discussion. This is a topic to be put forward in the mass discussion. No doubt,the use of computer has lowered human labor lots and lots The work which required much time before can now be done simply within fraction of seconds. This is one of the main cons of computers. Sitting in a room and controlling world has now become possible due to discovery of computers. Communication has become possible due to internet. Information can be easily gained through internet. Globalizationhas become possible due to computers. Computers are used in each and every sector. From offices to school,from colleges to houses †¦ everywhere it is used. Even in defense system it is used. In hospitals to keep record of patients,to find symptoms of various diseases its been used. Similarly,it is been used for entertainment by teenagers. Likewise,it is been used as source of education. Distance education has become possible. So, these are the advantages of invention of computers hich might make us think that they are very useful. But one thing that must be kept in mind is its negative aspect too. Computer hackers are the main cause for its negativity. Online robbery has become possible. Hackers are actively involved in cyber crime. Piracy has become so frequent that business organization has to face heavy loss. Important file and datas can be easily stolen which might be foundation of a country. Porn sites are been viewed by people which is promoting rapes and many other†¦

Monday, September 16, 2019

Aggression and Social Learning Theory

Aggression, in its broadest sense, is behavior, or a disposition, that is forceful, hostile or attacking. It may occur either in retaliation or without provocation. In narrower definitions that are used in social sciences and behavioral sciences, aggression is an intention to cause harm or an act intended to increase relative social dominance. Predatory or defensive behavior between members of different species may not be considered aggression in the same sense. Aggression can take a variety of forms and can be physical or be communicated verbally or non-verbally.Aggression differs from what is commonly called assertiveness, although the terms are often used interchangeably among laypeople, e. g. an aggressive salesperson According to Kendra Cherry, In psychology, the term ‘aggression’ refers to a range of behaviors that can result in both physical and psychological harm to oneself, other or objects in the environment. The expression of aggression can occur in a number o f ways, including verbally, mentally and physically. (source: aboutpsychology. om) Two broad categories of aggression are commonly distinguished.One includes affective (emotional) and hostile or retaliatory aggression, and the other includes instrumental, goal-oriented or predatory aggression. [2] Data on violence from a range of disciplines lend some support to a distinction between affective and predatory aggression. [3] However, some researchers question the usefulness of a hostile vs instrumental distinction in humans, despite its ubiquity in research, because most real-life cases involve mixed motives and interacting causes. 4] A number of classifications and dimensions of aggression have been suggested.These depend on such things as whether the aggression is verbal or physical; whether or not it involves relational aggression such as covert bullying and social manipulation;[5] whether harm to others is intended or not; whether it is carried out actively or expressed passively; and whether the aggression is aimed directly or indirectly. Classification may also encompass aggression-related emotions (e. g. anger) and mental states (e. g. impulsivity, hostility). 6] Aggression may occur in response to non-social as well as social factors, and can have a close relationship with stress coping style. 7]Aggression may be displayed in order to intimidate. The operative definition of aggression may be affected by moral or political views. Examples are the axiomatic moral view called the non-aggression principle and the political rules governing the behavior of one country toward another. [8] Likewise in competitive sports, or in the workplace, some forms of aggression may be sanctioned and others not. [9] THEORIES OF AGGRESSION: Instinct Theory: Through evolution, humans have inherited a fighting instinct similar to that found in many species of animals.Leading Proponent: Konrad Lorenz (ethology) He says we have a biological need for aggression. It gets stronger a s time passes since the last aggressive act (like hunger increases hours after a meal). This causes our energy level (drive level) to increase. This energy must somehow be released (â€Å"catharsis†). Instinct Theory says that humans learn their own individual ways of expressing aggressive motivation. Nonhuman species behave in ways that are genetically programmed and characteristic of all members of the species.Fixed Action Pattern: complex behavior that is largely unlearned and found in all members of a species (or subgroup), and that is triggered by a very simple stimulus in the environment (â€Å"releaser†). Social Learning Theory: Human aggression is largely learned by watching other people behave aggressively, either in person or in films. It is also learned when we are rewarded for aggression. Leading Proponent: Albert Bandura Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis: Our motivation for aggression increases when our ongoing behavior is interrupted or we are prevented f rom reaching a goal.Negative Affect Theory: Proposed by Leonard Berkowitz, it states that negative feelings and experiences are the main cause of anger and angry aggression. Sources of anger include: pain, frustration, loud noise, foul odors, crowding, sadness, and depression. The likelihood that an angry person will act aggressively depends on his or her interpretation of the motives of the people involved. TYPES OF HUMAN AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR: PHYSICAL VIOLENCE- Physical aggression often involves acts of violence taken with the intention of causing harm to the recipient, including death, by using weapons or even someone's bare hands. VERBAL HOSTILITY- Verbal aggression includes behavior such as bullying, threats or yelling.The Mayo Clinic includes name-calling and insults under the category of domestic violence. Put-downs, intentional or perceived, can have profound detrimental effects on the recipients. * NON-VERBAL INTIMIDATION- Nonverbal intimidation often implies the threat of violence, at least in the perception of the person at the receiving end.Stalking often involves one or more forms of nonverbal intimidation, including following the victim, planting malicious software in a victim's computer, sending unwanted gifts and vandalism against the victim's property. * PASSIVE AGGRESSION- Passive aggression is often generated by resentment on the part of someone who is unable or unwilling to express this resentment directly. PURPOSE OF AGGRESSION: Aggression can also serve a number of different purposes: To express anger or hostility To assert dominance To intimidate or threaten To achieve a goal To express possessionA response to fear A reaction to pain To compete with others Researchers have suggested that individual who engage in affective aggression, defined as aggression that is unplanned and uncontrolled, tend to have lower IQs than people who display predatory aggression. Predatory aggression is defined as aggression that is controlled, planned and go al-oriented. AGGRESSION AND MEDIA: Scholars believe that behaviors like aggression may be partially learned by watching and imitating the behavior of others. Some scholars have concluded that media may have some small effects on aggression.There is also research questioning this view. For instance, a recent long-term outcome study of youth found no long-term relationship between playing violent video games and youth violence or bullying. One study suggested there is a smaller effect of violent video games on aggression than has been found with television violence on aggression. This effect is positively associated with type of game violence and negatively associated to time spent playing the games. The author concluded that insufficient evidence exists to link video game violence with aggression.