Saturday, August 31, 2019

Evaluation of Canon’s Strategies

Evaluation of Canon’ Strategies The first part of this investigation involves an evaluation of the strategies used by Canon and the key factors for success. In order to being this review, it is first necessary to consider how the company has performed in recent years. Table 1 provided below provides an overall review of the organization’s performance in recent years. The data clearly suggests that Canon has made notable progress toward developing market share, revenues and profitability. In addition to reducing its debt to asset ratio in 2008, the organization also increased its stockholder equity to assert ratio.Table 1: Key Performance Indicators for Canon, 2004-2008 [pic] Data courtesy of: http://www. canon. com/ir/annual/2008/report2008. pdf Other indicators of Canon’s success are provided in Figures 1 and 2 below. These illustrations provide a review of net sales and ROE/ROA for 2003-2007. Figure 1: Net Sales for CanonFigure 2: ROE/ROA for Canon Data courtes y of: http://www. canon. com/ir/annual/2007/report2007. pdf With the realization that Canon has performed so well in recent years, it is pertinent to consider the specific areas which have promulgated success for the organization.A crucial review of the case information provided on the organization suggests that there are a number of pertinent strategy elements which have been pertinent to the success of the organization. In particular the organization has worked to develop a mission and vision which it has incorporated on all levels of its operations. The development of a guiding mission for the organization is essential for success (Henry 2007). Missions provide the foundation for the development of actionable processes which can be used for moving the organization toward specific goals (Johnson, Scholes & Whittington, 2008).In addition to developing a mission and vision which provided the organization with a directive for action, Canon also developed a firm strategy focused on at tainable goals for operations. Specifically, the organization set the specific goal of obtaining 30 percent of the world market by the 1980s. Research regarding the current state of achieving this objective suggests that even though Canon has not been able to maintain a 30 percent market share in the industry, it has overcome competitor Xerox to become second only to Hewlett Packard.Figure 3 below provides a review of global market share for companies competing in Canon’s industry. Figure 3: Global Market Share for Canon and Competitors [pic] (Data courtesy of â€Å"Office electronics industry profile,† 2008, p. 12) The focus on a specific goal for the organization has clearly had an impact on outcomes for operations. By using this specific goal for development, Canon has been able to set clear, measurable objectives which can be evaluated by the organization to determine outcomes. Setting measurable goals is an important component of developing a strategic plan for th e organization (Huang, 2009).Measurable goals are viewed as essential to the successful implementation of a strategic plan which provides significant results for the ongoing development of the organization. Another issue which appears to have had notable implications for the successful development of Canon is the use of specific core competencies to ensure the outcomes of operations. In addition to developing a strategic plan which provided clear and measurable objectives, the organization delineated specific core competencies which it has been able to optimize in order to coordinate its strategic objective and achieve its goals.A review of what has been noted regarding the use of core competencies suggests that core competencies can provide the organization with the ability to focus development in particular areas (Zook, 2007). This process, in turn, sets the stage for the development of management practice and shapes how the organization approaches the market and its competitors. Collis and Montgomery (2008) provide a more integral review of core competencies noting the importance of review intended core competencies in the context of the external environment in which an organization competes.As reported by these authors, organizations need to consider the external environment and competitors in developing core competencies. While it is evident that core competencies must meet the internal demands and capabilities of the organization, Collis and Montgomery assert that improper alignment of core competencies in light of competitors and the larger industry in which the organization operates will result in failure of core competencies to be effective. In developing its core competencies, Canon appears to have taken these issues into consideration.The specific outcomes in this area are witnessed by the fact that in the 1970s, Xerox held a majority market share, which it has subsequently lost to Canon. In the 1970s, Canon recognized that the formula for success b eing used by Xerox was not the same formula which it wanted to pursue in the development of its organization. In this context, Canon chose to pursue a different pathway for competitive development; one which enabled the company to synthesize its internal capabilities with the market environment to create a unique competitive advantage against its largest rival.Because of this process of developing particular core competencies for operations, Canon was able to maximize its internal capabilities and use this as a strategic advantage in the marketplace. In summarizing the overall approach used by Canon to develop its strategic plan and subsequent management processes, it seems reasonable to argue that Canon did more than just place words on paper to establish a foundation for the organization. Rather, the organization developed a comprehensive plan for vision, strategy and development which were implemented on every level of the organization’s operations.In addition to delineati ng the larger objectives for the organization, Canon developed all of the intermediate steps that would be needed to achieve these objectives. In doing so, the organization aligned all of its activities toward the achievement of the organization’s overall strategy. The development of strategy in this manner is commensurate with what scholars note about the strategic planning and management processes. Kaplan and Norton (2008) assert that the strategy planning and development processes for the organization often end in failure because of the inability of the organization to effectively execute its strategy.Further, these authors assert that strategy failure is common because of implementation problems which manifest as organizations attempt to make critical connections between strategy objectives and specific outcomes which will be achieved to ensure that objectives are reached. Placing this information into the case of Canon, it becomes evident that these issues did not arise. Rather than struggling to implement, the organization developed to tools and resources needed to effectively ensure that it built a foundation which would enable success.It is this specific process which has enabled the success of Cannon. When strategy development is formulated as more than just specific words on paper the end result is the development of a strategic plan which provides concrete action steps for the organization to take. With these action steps in place, the organization is better poised to control the development of the strategic plan and its implementation (Neilson, Martin & Powers, 2008). This element of control in the strategic planning process has been noted to be an important contributor to the success of strategic implementation.When control is established in the strategic planning process, the organization is able to dictate the specific changes which will occur and respond to outcomes in a manner that is commensurate with the capabilities of the company an d responsive to the specific external environment which will impact the outcomes of operations. What Other Companies Can Learn With a basic review of the success of Canon in the development of its strategy provided, it is now possible to consider what, if anything, can be learned by other companies from this case.In examining the development and outcomes of Canon, it becomes evident that the specific protocols and practices which have been used by the organization to achieve success should not be mimicked by other companies. Even though Canon has been quite successful in its efforts to develop its products and services, the reality is that other companies cannot expect to use the same formula for success and to achieve the same outcomes achieved by Canon. Other companies have attempted to use this approach in the past—i. . Circuit City, K-Mart, etc. Even though mimicking another organization may provide some benefits in the short-term, the reality is that the outcomes achieve d will not provide an organization with a long-term foundation for development. Even though companies examining the case of Canon may not be able to use the same specific tactics employed by the organization, Canon did employ a number of general models for strategic planning and development which could be considered by other organizations.In particular, the development of core competencies for operations is an important tool which other companies could consider for success. An examination of models for the development of core competencies in the organization suggests that companies need to begin with a core strategy for the development of their operations. Once this core strategy has been delineated, it is then possible to articulate specific areas of organizational development by attaching them directly to the core strategy.Figure 4 on the following page provides a generic model of how core competency development for the organization has been conceptualized in for translation of co re competencies into organizational practice. The application of this model to the development of core competency planning for the organization would serve as the foundation for the development of the basic ideas which could then be used for the further development of the organization. Based on the specific core competencies decided upon by the organization, a formal strategic plan for organizational development could be implemented.This plan would need to reflect the development of measurable goals to ensure the overall success of achieving core competencies. Figure 4: Generic Model for Core Competency Planning [pic] Image courtesy of: http://www. ulv. edu/cbpm/business/img/mba_exp_graphic. jpg Once the core competencies for the organization have been delineated, it will then be possible for companies to consider the development of a strategic plan. Examining the specific steps used by Canon, it becomes evident that solid advice for planning and development in this area are provide d in the case.In addition to developing a driving vision and mission, the organization also implemented critical success factors which enabled the organization to formulate goals. The goals were codified in the context of action steps which provided a concrete foundation for the organization to achieve success. All of these issues were supported by the core competencies established by the organization. Figure 4 below provides a review of this process and demonstrates how other organizations could effectively adopt this process to generate success in their strategic planning and management processes.Figure 5: General Strategic Planning Processes [pic] Figure courtesy of: http://www. bottomlineresultsonline. com/images/uploads/StrategicPlan-Graphic_t humb. jpg In the end, the most pertinent lessons that organizations can learn from the Canon case are those related to the development and execution of strategy. Although Canon’s success is due in part to the specific choices that it made, the development and implementation of strategy on every level of the organization’s operations clearly had implications for the success of the company.Other organizations seeking to capitalize on this success should consider the development of core competencies, the evolution of an integrated strategic plan and the development of clearly defined goals for execution which can be measured to ensure progress and outcomes. By following these basic processes, other organizations should be able to create notable success in strategic planning and development. Reference List Canon Annual Report (2007). Canon. Accessed April 19, 2009 at: http://www. canon. om/ir/annual/2007/report2007. pdf. Canon Annual Report (2008). Canon. Accessed April 19, 2009 at: http://www. canon. com/ir/annual/2008/report2008. pdf. Collis, D. J. , & Montgomery, C. A. (2008). Competing on resources. Harvard Business Review, 86(7/8), 140-150. Henry, A. (2007). Understanding Strategic Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Huang, H. C. (2009). Design a knowledge-based system for strategic planning: A balanced scorecard perspective. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(1), 209-218. Johnson, G. Scholes, K. , & Whittington, R. (2005). Exploring Corporate Strategy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kaplan, R. S. , & Norton, P. (2008). Mastering the management system. Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 62-77. Neilson, G. L. , Martin, K. L. , & Powers, E. (2008). The secrets to successful strategy execution. Harvard Business Review, 86(6), 60-70. Office electronics industry profile: Global. (2009, March). Datamonitor, 1-32. Zook, C. (2007). Finding your next core business. Harvard Business Review, 85(4), 66-75.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Written Project Base on Case Study

From the case we discuss, LabCo’s accounting policy for recognizes revenue from construction contract is reasonable. According to ASC605-35-25-61, an entity†¦ shall use the completed-contract†¦ for which reasonably dependable estimates cannot be made or for which inherent hazards make estimates doubtful. LabCo Company uses a normal standard for its accounting policy which is using Percentage of complection method base on how it determine the profit (cost-to-cost method); but in contract with Halibut, LabCo experiences unexpected difficulties includes: revising design, outsourcing engineering, price of material rising unforeseeably. These are the factors that make cost estimation harder. Percentage of Completion method is appropriate under ASC605-35-25-57, criteria B, The buyer can be expected to satisfy all obligations under the contract and C, The contractor can be expected to perform all contractual obligations. Completion of contract method is used according to ASC605-32-25-90, When lack of dependable estimates†¦inherent hazards relate to contract conditions or external factors that raise questions about contract estimates and about the ability of either the contractor or the customer to perform all obligations under the contract. Percentage of completion method is inappropriate for this contract, not only because it’s difficult to estimate the cost, but also the product fails to fulfill the buyer’s need. In this case, choosing completion of contract is better decision; based on previous experience, LabCo underestimate the cost and ability of complete the contract is the main reason forces them to change the policy. Change in method of accounting from the percentage-of-completion to the completed-contract is considering change in accounting principle. In ASC250-10-45-2, it states clearly about company can use alternative accounting principle to better interpret the current financial issues. According to ASC250-10-45-1, a presumption exists that an accounting principle once adopted shall†¦consistent use of the same accounting principle from one accounting period to another†¦and with a,b criteria. Once a new accounting principle is adopted, entity should consistently practice. Base on ASC250-10-45-5, entity should use retrospective approach apply for the new accounting principle. There are three basic requirements to do: A. Back to prior accounting period, the change of cumulative effect must be showed once apply the new principle. B. adjustment of the balance of retained earning must be made. C. Each individual financial statement from prior period shall apply the new principle. In LabCo’s case, once it changes the revenue recognition principle, the prior year’s revenue will become less in completion of contract method. Retain Earning account must be higher when using percentage of completion method. Therefore, retained earnings account needs to be adjusted. For current year, adjustment shall be made to beginning balance of retained earnings. Base on ASC250-10-45-8, Retrospective application shall include only the direct effects of a change in accounting principle, including any related income tax effects. Using retrospective approach shall contain direct effects, in this case would be income tax from prior period which should be less than the entity actual paid. Disclosure, ASC250-10-50-2 An entity that issues interim financial statements shall provide the required disclosures in the financial statements of both the interim period of the change and the annual period of the change. When reporting a change in Principle, explanation of why use new principle should be included. Work Cited Kieso, D. E., T. D. Warfield, and J. J. Weygandt.Intermediate accounting. 14th. Hoboken: John Wiley& Sons, Inc. , 2012. Print.

Artemis Sportswear Company

What production and operational cost expenditures can be minimized, without effecting productivity or overall quality of the manufactured goods? Artemisia Sportswear has Identified the need to reduce operation costs that In the end will Limit profit gains. This requires an in-depth examination of overhead, employment numbers, and production rates to determine the best course of action for effective company management. A research team has developed a strategy to study and address this particular issue and present the findings to the Board of Directors.This research document will determine what production and operational cost expenditures can be enameled without effecting productivity or overall quality of the manufactured goods. Our team has discovered 3 keys for your company to reduce your overhead; cut production costs, employee reduction and production rates. Our first key is to cut production costs, as this is vital for the future of the business. Production cost is important to r educe because it decreases wastes, stalls over production, and limits possible defects in your company's products.The second key is o reduce employment numbers, and in Dalton how best to conduct this normally sensitive area. We also want to show you that through the use of effective management and hiring processes, the hiring of quality people will save millions of dollars each year. The final key is production rates and how it is important to have a well-adjusted rate for competition. Production rate is important because customers are constantly looking for better quality products and services and lower rate.Our team has examined these production expenses and the following will explain the ideas we have for your company throughout the operations department. Artemisia sportswear company needs to reduce their production costs by a significant amount, or else risk failure. Our research team has developed several ways to reduce production costs; such as waste reduction, over production , and defects. Reducing waste in the total cost of production is a good way to cut cost, and having too much product can create profit loss in your company.Waste reduction is an Important element of minimizing total cost of production (Wald, Johann, ; Aim, 2010). If our company minimizes waste In production by recycling defected products, or scrap material you may gain profit back by reducing any unused expenditures. In practice, the costs incurred in a production process include manufacturing costs, materials costs, quality loss cost, inspection costs, rework costs, and scrap costs (Wald, Johann, ; Aim, 2010). The team suggests selling defected products at a lower rate and creating a limited-time featured Item at a â€Å"special price† for items that are over produced.For Instance, If you eliminate the excess Inventory that Is spread ore useful than idle inventory (Reginald, 2011). This will help profits and limiting waste within your company. Another way for Artemisia Sport swear to reduce waste would be to cut down on equipment procedures and modernize the equipment being used. Some examples are to include using energy saving light bulbs, reducing usage of heating and air conditioning within the buildings, having a well-insulated building, and reducing the amount of equipment used to produce the products.Older devices consumed more electricity and generated more heat than newer products (Leper, 2011). The benefits that modern equipment brings are that they are easier to use and more reliable to use with the products you are selling. Also by modernizing the equipment your company currently uses, will also add more benefits to your products and increase profit margin by ways of added design features. A path of output fleet modernization led to several things worthwhile – profound savings, reduced paper consumption, operational efficiencies and heightened environmental friendliness (Leper, 2011).We want to render the company further to be moderniz ed and environmentally friendly. We believe every path leads to something worthwhile† (Leper, 2011). Artemisia Sportswear Company has a large number of producers; our goal in this section is to reduce that number by 30%. As a research team we do not want to target a certain group of employees. Most employers whom downsize will target these three types of groups; those who do not work as hard, employees based on age, gender, race, and sexual preference. To be sure, the term â€Å"targeted† could be interpreted in several ways.For example, it might mean (a) not random, and therefore based on performance; (b) strategic, and Hereford based on a particular organizational unit, such as a division or a specific line of business; or (c) cuts in pay (perhaps according to a sliding scale by organizational level), capital expenditures, or other operating expenses (Socio & Peg, 2004). As a research team we want to encourage you to not make these decisions based age, gender, race, o r sexual preference, as we pointed out, but to make the decision based on what is best for your company.The best way to really cut expenses in this example is to drastically cut pay from higher paid employees and educing employees based on performance. We want to increase your employee loyalty by showing employees that the company cares about their well-being, as this typically leads to better production out of your employees. Restructuring, including downsizing, often leads to predictable effects diminished loyalty from employees (Socio & Peg, 2004). Assuring the employees that Artemisia Sportswear is making these decisions based on performance and pay cuts will increase their loyalty.We also want to increase your company's profits, but in order to do so you must make a UT in your company's workforce, because as the law goes, happier employees creates more production which naturally leads to a reduction in employees. Another point is common among managers is that by downsizing the workforce, sometimes through across-the-board cuts in employees, boosts company profits (Socio & Peg, 2004). So, by an overall reduction in your workforce by this small amount will begin to increase your profit margin.We want to increase your company's rivalry with other competitors and prove to other companies and customers that your product is worthy of the industry in sportswear. When new competitors enter an industry the key to expansion within your company, by producing further enhanced and least expensive goods and services to the loyal customers within the industry. We want to increase the type of products that are for sale and the amount you sell them for. The intensity of rivalry among existing competitors can obviously influence company profitability (Sack & Nadia, 2002).We want to refrain from intense and extreme rivalry with your competitors. Intense rivalry may influence your profitability, but it can also result in all sorts of problems. We want to increase competition between companies, but in minimal amount. Firms in one industry may produce products that compete with products in another (Sack & Nadia, 2002). New and improved products are more reliable to customers; customers are also more fascinated to these newly developed products. We want to create highly enhanced products that will fit every customer's needs.For instance, minor league baseball not only competes with other sports events, but also amusement parks, theaters, substitute products such as pay-per-view cable channels that show first run movies or video stores that offer much better prices for movies once they have left theaters are major competitors (Sack & Nadia, 2002). We would like to suggest using limited time special products such as, professionally signed products like; baseballs, basketballs, hockey sticks, sports shoes, etc.The company would also benefit from having a limited time meet and greet with famous athletes. This will improve competition and allow a minimal amoun t of rivalry. The buyers of an industry outputs can lower the industry profitability by bargaining for higher quality or more services, and forcing down prices (Sack & Nadia, 2002). This is why as a company you should not give in to the customers' desire in change, as you will not always change your prices to please your customers, instead you can offer great quality for an affordable price.Buyers have the upper hand when an industry products are relatively undifferentiated (Sack & Nadia, 2002), but your company will not give buyers the upper hand. As a supplier to the sportswear industry you will want to increase your profitability as much as possible. Our team wants to make the company as a supplier more powerful within the competition. If there are only a few companies hat supply an entire industry, these powerful suppliers can squeeze profitability out of an industry unable to cover cost increases in its own prices (Sack & Nadia, 2002).This is where suppliers become more powerfu l by increasing profit and quality of the products being sold. When industries have limited access to materials needed for production, the power of suppliers becomes a major competitive force (Sack & Nadia, 2002). Your company will need to search for all the materials needed for your production and try to provide the products that the customers need and ant. Our research team has explained the 3 keys for Artemisia Sportswear Company to reduce costs and cut out any unneeded expenditures.We are confident that what we have explained in detail will save your company money through the processes explained above. We would like to assure the company that these time-proven, and highly successful ways of helping your business grow. If you would only imply these principles every so often when replacing equipment, you would be practicing a much needed pruning in your company which is necessary for any living thing to grow much more fully.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Theology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theology - Research Paper Example The more specific part of the bible that deals with historys first-ever power struggle can be found in Chapter 27. This is where the story gets interesting. In said chapter, the verses that gave in detail what actually happened are verses 1 to 45. With the connivance of his mother, Jacob fooled his father into giving him his blessings as a firstborn when he is not (although they are twins, Esau came out of the womb first and is considered the elder). No wonder that Jacobs story is often given the subtitle of â€Å"Jacob the Deceiver.† The story begins when Isaac was already very old and he feels he might die anytime. So before he goes, he summoned his elder son Esau to give him his blessings. In ancient Hebrews, getting the blessing is very important as the firstborn gets more land, cattle, cash and servants than the younger siblings. He is also supposed to received the promises God made to Isaacs father, Abraham. Mother Rebekah heard what was planned and maneuvered to have Jacob blessed instead by taking advantage of Isaacs failing eyesight. One lesson is that parents should not play favorites with their children as this will cause rifts and rivalries. The first dozen books of the Old Testament begin with the story of Creation and first humans as contained in the early chapters of Genesis. The remainder of Genesis covers four generations spanning from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and finally to Jacobs twelve sons. The four books that follow it are Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy mostly deal with Moses and his travails. Up till the Age of Enlightenment (around the eighteenth century), this continuous narrative framework was considered historical and therefore largely accurate and what the Bible says is true in every detail (Coogan 22). New developments and discoveries in science, astronomy, biology, geology and discoveries of ancient texts from the Near

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Structure and Business of Blackstone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Structure and Business of Blackstone - Essay Example It's a veritable feast for the discerning investor's eyes: 37% compound annual revenue growth, 65% operating margins, $3 million in profit per employee, returns on invested capital in the triple digits. And a cherry on top: the Blackstone Group is arguably the uber-buyout firm. Led by billionaire cofounders Steven Schwarzman and Peter Peterson, Blackstone has gone from relative obscurity to global renown in the span of roughly two decades, parlaying a penchant for deal making and a yen for competition into a war chest that now brims with billions of dollars in investment capital. Blackstone Capital has extensive expertise in structuring transactions under Regulation D, SCOR, Rule 144A, Reg. A, Reg. S, and other public or private direct offerings, as well as commercial lending, mezzanine financing, commercial paper, and subordinated debt transactions. Their structures provide an exit strategy for investors with short or long-term holding periods. Basically what Blackstone does is delivers to its client’s necessary capital, for less cost, more efficiently, and strategically structured. It operates from a style, which avails itself of the richness of a variety of investment philosophies and techniques that will ultimately provide superior returns while exposing a particular partnership to lesser risk. It is here, that Blackstone prides itself in creating the innovative financial solutions for its clients. Their primary objective is to maximize value for their clients. Blackstone’s business is organized into four segments: 1) corporate private equity, which focuses on management of the Company’s private equity funds; 2) real estate, which is responsible for management of Blackstone’s various real estate investment funds; 3) â€Å"marketable alternative asset management,† which involves management of Blackstone’s various hedge funds, mezzanine funds, and other â€Å"alternative† in vestment vehicles; and 4) The financial advisory group, which comprises the Company’s advisory services business that provides, for example, merger and acquisition analysis and services to other companies. These various funds are generally structured as limited partnerships that are capitalised by limited-partner investors (such as institutional investors and pension funds) and managed by Blackstone, which, through subsidiary holding partnerships, serves as general partner. Blackstone therefore does not own directly either the various portfolio companies in which it’s corporate private equity funds invest or the real estate assets owned by its real estate funds. Rather, Blackstone derives revenue from two principal sources: It earns a â€Å"management fee† equal to 1.5% of the value of the assets under management; It earns a â€Å"performance fee† or â€Å"carried interest† equal to 20% of the profits generated on the capital it invests for limited partners. Blackstone is subject, however, to having its performance fees â€Å"clawed back.† That is, the Company is obligated to return performance fees to investors if investments perform poorly. In contrast to those who invest in Blackstone’s various funds, investors in Blackstone itself acquire a stake in Blackstone’s investment management business, hoping that strong performance by the various investment funds will generate performance fees for the Company. 4.2 Southern Cross Healthcare Southern Cross He

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

PAPER 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PAPER 2 - Essay Example The strain theory assumes that all persons aspire for a similar social status and material needs, although the means available to achieve these desires differs from person to person. Institutions like family, educational system, religion and the economy help the individual in attaining success. However, the theory also believes that issues like family status and wealth play a significant role in determining the level of success attained by the individual even in a highly competitive society (Mednick, 2008). The theory thus contends that strain is felt whenever these support factors do not provide equal opportunity thereby prompting people to adopt illegal ways to achieve these means. Such persons are under pressure from the larger society to conform to specific ideals which ultimately forced them to turn into criminals. On the other hand, the control theory believes that such deviations from conformed norms can be resolved through a good family, parenting and education (Adler, 2009). The control theory relies on the ‘push and pull theory’ to explain the reasons behind crime including social deficiencies and psychological pressures that push the individual towards crime and illegal opportunities that can pull the person towards criminal activities.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Business Process Outsourcing Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Process Outsourcing - Research Proposal Example Therefore, it will be our endeavour to figure out; Therefore, using reliable secondary sources of data would certainly yield the information related to certain cases which have been highlighted in the mainstream media. Haley (2003) contends that a number of researchers have opted to conduct secondary research instead of primary research, primarily because of the cost of conducting such a research and limited opportunities for conducting primary research. Some reliable secondary sources for this research would be the document from NASSCOM, one of India's premier institution representing the software and IT industry; Data available from reputed international organisation like WTO and ILO. Newspaper reports like; Will also prove handy to understand what's going on inside the glittering ITES buildings. In order to assess the opinion of all major stakeholders in the outsourcing industry, we can plan out interviews/ questionnaire surveys with; iii. Some ITES workers. It must be emphasised here that these workers are discouraged from shelling out information to outsiders. But, it needs bit of convincing and an undertaking on the part of the researcher to the effect that, this research is being carried out primarily for academic purpose, and it won't be used for any other purpose. iv. Some union leaders from India like those from UNITES, and some international union leaders like those from UNI Global union. This will help us in knowing both sides of the story. v. Seeking the opinion of someone from the medical profession will also help in correlating the physiological and psychological disorders. Information thus collected will help us in making the comparisons and further investigating the trend. In order to determine the possible implications and significance of the US/UK shifts in the outsourcing industry in India, an interview questionnaire shall be prepared which will seek answers from the respondents accordingly. Part A of the questionnaire will contain the demographic characteristics of the respondents which will serve as the profile of the respondents. This will include their gender, age, employment, and affiliations profile. Part B will determine the behaviour and attitudes of the respondents as to how they perceive the working in graveyard shifts Part C will assess and identify the possible impl

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Two high school teachers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Two high school teachers - Essay Example gh school teachers is the same that is guiding and educating the students; despite of this, their way of teaching, giving instructions and their relationship with the students is very different. Both the teachers are excellent at their job but their methodologies of teaching differ from each other. My Maths teacher places greater emphasis on class work and ensures that all students complete the work taught in class there and then. She does not burden the students with homework. Instead, her stress is more on regularly testing the students and she conducts class tests every week. This is a method used by her to make sure that the students study at home and practice for the tests. She does not overburden the students by giving them too much of homework and conducting tests at the same time. On the other hand, my English teacher tries to spend greater time in class to explain and teach the students and answer their queries. He does not provide much work in class. But he ensures that the students are given regular homework. He does not conduct regular class tests but rather he takes monthly tests. He follows this pattern so that the students gain the maximum in class and revise the subject while doing the homework. Both the teachers try that their students gain the maximal knowledge, but their instructional goals are different; such as the student’s grade, what they would like their students to learn, and what a successful future is for the students. It is the goal of every teacher to make their students learn new things and to enhance their knowledge but their approaches vary. My English teacher focuses on helping the students improve in their weak points rather than only focusing on their strengths. He wants us to improve ourselves not just in a particular sector but to be all-rounders. According to him, our successful future depends on not just being book-worms or getting high grades but also being intellectual and smart. He expects us to have clear concepts

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Power of One III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Power of One III - Essay Example The evaluation will be founded on a combination of quantitative and qualitative research which will include widespread references with the society participants and exhaustive interviews. In the evaluation of the initiatives, I will employ interrelated principles, which fabricate on each other. Needless to say, I will adhere to the professional guidelines of evaluation. In addition, the evaluation will be a joint process. The vigorous involvement of all stakeholders, especially the students, society leaders and residents is fundamental to the evaluation process. Estrella and Gaventa (1998) assert â€Å"participatory and inclusive evaluations can lead to higher-quality scientific design and results†. For this reason, the evaluation will encompass all people in the society. Inclusion of the varied perceptions of the society members in the evaluation and elucidation of information will generate additional practicable blueprints and accurate interpretation of the data. The different society participants will bring knowledge on diverse sources of data, in addition to a more precise, image of how the initiative can operate and the background aspects that will affect it. Society members can help acclimatize the approaches appropriate within the society and assist check the anticipation of the results. These insights will assist me in better apprehend the external aspects that could affect the initiative. Scholars and authors have agreed that structuring and sustaining trust and relationships among the society are imperative. Baker et al. (1999) denotes â€Å"past positive experiences with evaluation among practitioners and society participants should be acknowledged in order to avoid repeating mistakes†. For this reason, I will ensure I am conversant with the previous positive experiences. In achieving this, I will work closely with gatekeepers, primary organizations, and other society leaders. I will employ snow ball approach in meeting the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marriage and children Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marriage and children - Research Paper Example One of the most fundamental reasons for people to get married is to have children. Although babies can be made outside a marital relationship, that is a heinous crime and sin from the religious perspective as well as unacceptable and unethical form the social perspective. This can be estimated from the fact that kids that are born to parents that do not have a marital bond between them are termed as â€Å"bastards†. This is frequently used as an abuse in several societies which speaks of their hatred for the act of fornication outside of marriage. Children are provided with a perfect environment for their moral and ethical nurturing and psychological well-being in a nuclear family system. They can approach their mother and father whenever they need either or both of them. In the nuclear family system, both mother and father have well-defined roles and responsibilities. Fathers earn the money and mothers manage the domestic works. The roles and responsibilities of father and mo ther remain the same in blending families, though children may take some time to adjust with the biological parent’s new marital partner. Children see their fathers as social role models and mothers as domestic role models. On the other hand, children adopted by homosexual couples are exposed to a lot of risks. The sacred institution of marriage forms the basis of a civilized society. It enables the marital partners to make love with each other without offending any rule of the society and most importantly, the religion.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Parent Involment in Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Parent Involment in Education - Research Paper Example The pure culture of the society this family lives in greatly influences how this family lives and how the child imbibes the culture as he expresses it in his developing personality. The mesosystem comprises the linkages and processes that take place between two or more settings with the child in common. A perfect example is how learning in school is supported by follow up lessons in the home. The third level comprising linkages and processes taking place between two or more settings is the exosystem. This includes at least one setting that does not directly involve the child, but still influences the processes within the immediate setting of the child. An example is the parent’s occupation. The workplace of this parent does not contain the child, but processes at work may affect his development such as the hours spent there by the parent may affect the parent-child bond. The fourth system is the macrosystem which includes the customs, values and laws considered important in th e child’s culture and upbringing. A child from another culture may celebrate special customs and traditions from his culture apart from the special occasions celebrated in his host country. Lastly, the chronosystem in Brofenbrenner’s Ecological model, refers to the time that transpires as the child relates in his various environments. An example is the change that happens to the child while he grows up moving from one system to another, like the westernization of the values of a child originally from an Asian culture (Brofenbrenner, 1979). This ecological model implies that the interplay and quality of the various systems and environments of the child will play different roles in influencing his development.... This paper approves that learning-at-home activities contribute to student success by incorporating learning activities done at home which are related to the children’s class work. Families support their children by helping out with such tasks. Examples of these activities may include interactive homework, goal-setting activities, student-family-teacher contracts for projects, summer reading packets and student-led home portfolio nights. Teachers may also provide tips and suggested activities that parents can do with their children such as arts and crafts or simple experiments as well as lyrics to songs. On the other hand, parents are always welcome to raise their concerns, questions or complaints regarding their children. They are free to call the school, write a note or schedule for a parent-teacher conference. This essay makes a conclusion that despite the school’s advocacy for family involvement, there is no pressure for parents to participate if they are not interested. However, for those dedicated ones who support their children in their growth and development, as well as the school’s efforts in optimizing their potentials by encouraging bonding with families, they receive recognition. Parent Awards are distributed at the end of the year to honor those who have been steadfast in their support and cooperation. Enjoining parents and families in their children’s school activities not only strengthens bonds between them but also creates happy memories that children will fondly look back to when they grow up.

Loneliness in Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Loneliness in Of Mice and Men Essay These are just a few of the times in which Candy has shown thoughtfulness. The last character John Steinbeck has developed, Curleys wife, shows loneliness for three reasons. For one, she states, I get lonely. You can talk to people, but I cant talk to nobody but Curley on page 87, which shows that she has loneliness because she doesnt have anyone to talk to but Curley. Specifically, people wont talk to her because they know that Curley will get jealous and want to start a fight. In another reason, she says, Im looking for Curley on page 31, which shows that she, made up an excuse to find adult conversation. Candy does not seem to have a dream until he meets George and Lennie. He is swept up in the plausible reality of this dream, a dream he would probably be too scared to initiate by himself. Candy is not happy with his life on the ranch, but he doesnt think that there is anything else that he can do. He has one arm and is quite an old man, he used to have a dog that was also very old and someone else shot it for him. He was very miserable after the death of his dog and he said, I ought to have shot that dog myself, George. I shouldnt ought to have let no stranger shoot my dog. His dog was the only precious possession he had at the ranch and it was taken away from him. He overheard George and Lennie talking about their dream and later approached them and told them his generous offer. He had more than half of the deposit money and George was very grateful of that and let him in on their once unattainable dream Steinbeck was of German and Irish ancestry. Curleys wife tries to get the men to feel sorry for her but also has a powerful and mulipative side to her by threatening Crooks. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it isnt even funny. Curleys wife is abusing her power by using it to threaten Crooks and make him understand what kind of position he is in. She says this by threatening to get Crooks lynched, the hate of black people during this time is unimaginable. The men in the barn would rather listen to a white woman over a black man. He helps them get closer to actually owning the ranch because he has a lot of money saved away in his bank and offers it towards the ranch. Crooks is also crippled in his back and because of this he works as a stable buck. Like Candy he also has nothing to look forward to. When Lennie tells Crooks about his and Georges dream of owning a ranch, he is very cynical; Every damn one of ems got a little piece of land in his head. An never a god damn one of em ever gets it. Crooks mentions how George and Lennies dream will be unattainable but after hearing what Lennie has to say, he wants in but.. But after a while he believes that they might actually get their ranch and decides he also wants in. His hopes are soon crushed by Curleys wife taunts and changes his mind George and Lennies dream to buy a plot of land is a powerful symbol of the American Dream, Steinbeck uses Candy as a narrator. At the start he gives commentary of the characters to introduce them, he says how curleys wife is a tart, curley hatred for big guys and what the boss said in the morning and what he is like. Candy seems to know about Curleys wife and her giving the eye to Slim and Carlson. I seen her give Slim the eye, An I seen her give Carlson the eye. If he was white he would have such a nicer life on the ranch, knowing this he is depressed therefore like many people the great depression. Crooks is a nice person but being black the reader finds it hard to see that he has feelings and also his arched back makes him look twice as bad of an outsider. Steinbeck has written this novel in the hope that people would understand what happened back in his child years. He also wanted to convey his feelings of the violence and anger in the 1930s he had experienced. In the novel the violence mentioned is where curly exhibits himself in the bunk house because he does not like big people. There was a ranking system in America that was similar to an unwritten law. This ranking was used on the ranches and unfortunately put Crooks at the bottom. In America black people were oppressed and were not allowed to prosper. On the ranch Crooks had his own bunk and kept himself to himself. However, any sympathy that we might have felt for Curleys wife is reduced because of the cruelty she shows when talking to the men and by the way she treats Crooks. She is contemptuous of Candy, Crooks and Lennie, referring to them as a nigger an a dum-dum and a lousy ol sheep and she laughs at their dream of having a ranch of their own, dismissing it as Balony. Far worse though is the way she removes all Crooks pride and dignity when he dares stand up to her and saying how she can get him lynched. would say that loneliness is one of the main themes throughout the novel and I also think that Crooks is defiantly the loneliest. He is a Negro stable buck and the only reason he does not get beaten up is because the ranch the hands are not aloud to use their feet to fight because Crooks has a bad back. I aint wanted I cant play because I am black Those quotes show that Crooks is feeling lonely Says George in a way that says I know I cant force you but I dont want you here. This is of course because of what Curly did. She is taken aback by this, she is used to being ignored but not told to leave by anyone other than her husband. I just want some one to talk to. She says. you got a husband, go talk to him George replies. yeah I got a husband. She says almost in a disappointed way. She then asks how Curly got his hand broken. To which George lies and says he got his hand caught in a machine. But this doesnt fool her so seeking an answer she asks Lennie who she knows wont have the mental capacity to make up a lie. how did you get those scratches on your face? she asks. Lennie looks to George and then looks away saying, he got it caught in a machine. He answers. is that so? She says with a look that is trying to work out how Lennie thinks. Almost as if she is concerned for him. She then quietly leaves. In this scene we begin to see that she isnt stupid she can work things out. Also that she doesnt like Curly and being married to him. The possibility that all she wants is some one to talk to is again present. it differs the way Curleys wife is perceived in the film and book, we dont see how clever she is and how she uses her knowledge, power and position to be malicious. In the book, there is a quite surreal scene towards the end, when Lennie is by himself in the brush. He gets agitated with himself over what he has done and all of a sudden, a short, plump lady appears, his Aunt Clara. She starts speaking to him in Lennies voice. Then after she is finished disappears. Then, a giant rabbit scuttles out of Lennies head and starts shouting at him. Unfortunately, this is never visually seen as it is left out of the film. It would have been a funny scene and with it being right near the end, would have spoilt the mood; therefore, it was left out. Another scene left out so not to detract the mood, was when Lennie has his dead puppy in his arms after he has killed Curleys wife, and he has the idea of throwing the pup away so it wouldnt look so bad. The last two scenes would have caused undue laughter in the middle of two important and emotion parts of the film, which would have lessened the viewers emotions. Along with missing out scenes, a fair number of scenes were added. For example, in the film there is a scene when Lennie enters the bunkhouse with the bib of his dungarees puffed up and him cradling it. As Lennie had tried to sneak his pup into the bunkhouse before, Lennies suspicious behaviour hints to George that he is trying to do it again. After George scalds Lennie for his attempt to sneak the pup in again, Lennie lies on the bed and slaps the bib of his dungarees, flattening it, and finishing the joke. An amusing practical joke obviously thought up purely by Lennie showing he does have an intelligent and a funny side. John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men expresses George and Lennies relationship brilliantly just like a marriage, not in a sexual manner but in a mutual loving relationship. This occurs throughout the novel.(then examples) Curley has a very poor attitude in that he believes beating up people that are bigger than himself would make him a hero, however if the bigger person beat him up people would call the bigger person a bully and be sympathetic towards Curley. This backfires horrendously one day when seeing that Lennie has a childs mind he tries to pick a fight on him only to find that Lennys reaction left him with a badly broken hand. Due to this event, Curley then bares a grudge on Lenny throughout the play and the death of Curleys wife fits in nicely as it gives Curley an excuse to go after Lenny. Steinbeck does this cleverly so that there is already bad blood between Lennie and Curley before the death of Curleys wife. More than anything, Curley has his wife as a trophy wife. At no point in the book does he show any sort of love or affection toward her. Steinbeck does this so when his wife is found dead he isnt bothered about mourning hes focused on getting Lennie. eorge had told him not to speak, so he didnt answer. Curley really got angry. George answered for him and he answered, An you wont let the big guy talk, is that it? He wants to be big and tall. He picks fights with anybody that is larger, in a way superior to him. He only has respect for Slim; we know this because he listened to Slim. I think you got your han caught in a machine. He knows what really happened. He didnt want to get laughed at either, so he listened and obeyed Slims instruction. But you jus tell an try to get this guy canned and well tell ever body, an then will you get the laugh. Curley agreed to this statement, otherwise he will be laughed at for starting the fight and then losing it. Even though Curleys hand was totally ruined, and Lennie got a couple of bruises and cuts nobody got in any more trouble. When his wife was killed he was really mad. Not mad for losing a loved one. He was mad at Lennie for killing her, and instead of staying with his wife, he hurried off to find Lennie and to kill him. We notice that although Curley was very protective over his wife, he didnt show any interest in her, and showed no signs of love. Nobody liked Curley, not even his wife. Curleys wife was an outcast, because she is the only female on the ranch and wore a lot of red.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Geoffrey Keynes Research on Cancer Treatment

Geoffrey Keynes Research on Cancer Treatment In God We Trust. All Others Must Have Data Radical surgery had undergone an astonishing boom in the 1950s and 1960s. William Halsted had become the patron saint of cancer surgery in the United States. But at St. Bartholomews Hospital in London, a doctor named Geoffrey Keynes was not convinced. In August 1924, Keynes examined a patient with breast cancer. Rather than reaching indiscriminately for a radical procedure, he opted for a much more conservative strategy. He buried fifty milligrams of radium in her breast to irradiate her tumor and monitored her to observe the effect. Surprisingly, he found a marked improvement. Her tumor had reduced so rapidly that Keynes might be able to remove it with a minor surgery. Over the next five years, Keynes tried other variations of the same strategy. The most successful variation was to remove the tumors with a minor surgery, followed by a small dose of radiation to the breast. Nothing was radical, yet their cancer relapse rate was comparable to those got by using radical surgery in Baltimore and New York. In 1927, Keynes reviewed his experience combining local surgery with radiation in a technical report to his department. But his theory and operation were ignored by American surgeons. They called Keyness surgery lumpectomy. In 1953, a colleague of Keyness gave a lecture on the history of breast cancer at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, focusing on Keyness observations on minimal surgery for the breast. In the audience was a young surgeon named George Barney Crile. Crile had learned the radical mastectomy from students of Halsted. But he was having his own doubts about radical mastectomy. As Crile poured through Keyness data, the flaw in the logic of radical surgery came to light. If the breast cancer was locally confined, then it could be cured by a small local surgery. Radical surgery could add no benefit. If the tumor had already spread outside the breast, then even the most exhaustive surgery would be useless. Crile gave up on radical mastectomy and treated breast cancer using an approach similar to Keyness. Over six years, he found that the effect of his simple mastectomy was remarkably similar to Keyness, with patient survival rates similar to those got from radical mastectomy. A Pennsylvania surgeon named Bernard Fisher had also lost faith in radical mastectomy. In 1971, Fisher organized a clinical trial through the NSABP National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project to test the efficacy of radical mastectomy against lumpectomy+radiation and simple mastectomy. It took Fisher 10 years to gather that data. 1,765 patients from 34 centers in the United States and Canada enrolled in the trial. Patients were randomized into three groups: one treated with simple mastectomy, the second with lumpectomy followed by radiation, and the third with radical Mastectomy. The results of the trial were made public in 1981. The rates of breast cancer relapse, death, and metastasis were statistically identical among all three groups. Radical mastectomy is rarely, if ever, performed by surgeons today. In 1973, a 22-year-old veterinary student in Indiana named John Cleland was diagnosed with metastatic testicular cancer-cancer of the testes. The cancer had metastasized into his lungs and lymph nodes. In 1973, the survival rate for such a cancer was less than 5 percent. Cleland was under the care of a young oncologist named Larry Einhorn in the cancer ward at Indiana University. Einhorn initially treated Cleland with a three-drug cocktail called ABO, which was found to be marginally effective. In the fall of 1974, Einhorn replaced the ABO regimen with a new chemical called cisplatin. Other researchers had seen transient responses in testicular cancer patients treated with cisplatin. Einhorn wanted to see if he could increase the response rate by combining cisplatin with two other drugs. For Celand, it was a choice between the uncertainty of the new regimen and the certainty of death. He took the gamble and enrolled as patient zero for BVP, the new regimen containing bleomycin, vinbl astine, and cisplatin. Ten days later, the tumors in Clelands lungs had vanished. By 1975, twenty additional patients had enrolled in the trial all with remarkable and durable responses similar to Celands. By the late winter of 1976, it had become clear that some of these patients would not relapse at all. *** Meanwhile, the NCI had turned into a factory of toxins. With money from the National Cancer Act, the institutes drug-discovery program was testing zillions of chemicals each year to discover new cytotoxic drugs. The money also stimulated enormous, multi-site trials, turning academic centers into drug factories and cancer hospitals into efficient trial-running machines. It was trial and error on a humongous scale, not targeted research. In one NCI-sponsored trial, known as the eight-in-one study, children with brain tumors were administered eight drugs in a day. Most of the children died soon afterward, having only marginally responded to the chemotherapy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Reconstruction of African History

The Reconstruction of African History This context will analyze the contribution of historian B.A Ogot in the reconstruction of the African History. It will explore Kenya as one of the African nations and/ or countries where the work of B.A Ogot has contributed a lot in historical reconstruction. His significance in history can be accredited to the fact that his life was surrounded by the major events with specific reference to the independence period among other events that has built the history of this nation. In order to understand his contributions to the study topic, both his past and current dispositions will be analyzed by reviewing his literature that he has produced over the years. Following this, this study will also highlight various historical processes from the pre-colonial time to colonial administration in Kenya based on the Mau Mau organization, composition and its impacts. His reconstruction of Africans History The work of B.A Ogot presents various aspects of both pre-colonial history and colonial era in Africa. According to the researches conducted based on his contribution into the African history with reference to Atieno (2002) in The challenges of History and leadership in Africa, his main role was to offer defense for humanity, durability, historicity, complexity and wealth of African societies together with their culture. He offered criticism on studies based on African institutions and customary practices that were said to have failed in offering any defense to African history through adherence to African ideas of the universe, destiny and its existence. He examines the main aspects of Nilotic societies and cultures based on the concept of Jok  [1]  . This term is found in different forms of Nilotic languages whose meaning is God, spirit, Ghost among others. Ogot had immense interest in the institutional practices and the history of African thought for instance religion which was captured in his three essays he wrote. On making of a sanctuary is the essay that examines padhola religion that has been said to be contented in Jok concept and cannot be understood beside Nilotic culture. Ogot trace changes imposed in Padhola religion by the migration of Nilotes to the south, establishment of Bura shrine as a worshipping place, other denominational rivals and the infiltration of strangers among padhola in nineteenth century. Ogot embarked on effects of European religiosity on the lives of the Luo people, which led to religious contradictions in Nyanza. According to Ogot, there exists a complex process of converting first African Christians based on their motivations, training, sacrifices and evangelical activities among others. He presented how the first African Christians faced troubles from the European missionaries, African chiefs and the c olonial government. The religious struggle led to the establishment of Anglican Church in which Mango broke and founded his own church the holy ghost church. Both religious contradictions and conflicts resulted to the murder of Mango in 1934 during an attack that sprouted on the village he belongs. The essay A community of their own Ogot looked at both the rise and effects of the Maria legion of African church that resulted from a reformation of Roman Catholic Church in Nyanza. Ogot is argued to have been normalizing African initiatives, cultural systems, choices, activities and adaptations through analyzing religious based on their terms. He also showed how religion resisted toward the colonial rule in Africa. The emergence of the Nomiya Luo church and Church of Christian Africans offer a better indicator of resistance to colonial rule and/ or power. In his essay on Kingship and statelessness Among the Nilotes, he challenged the racist hypothesis that holds that, there exists a correlation between degr ee of political evolution and the peoples hamitic blood. Based on this hypothesis, he suggested that the establishment of both Shilluk and Bunyoro kingdoms was based on factors such as political, economic and military. In his work, Ogot identified segmentary states that were observed to be less advanced as compared to the Bunyoro Kingdom. Examples of these segmentary states include the Ruothships that belongs to Luo and Acholi and the stateless societies of the Dinka and Nuer. The work of Ogot showed that the process of state formation comprises different groups of people and other historical contexts. Ogot produced many essays that enable one to trace his contribution to the reconstruction of the African history from Kenyans independence to date  [2]  . There was only one essay that concentrated on the colonial state alone while others lay emphasis on the anti-colonial resistance: For instance, the Mau Mau movement that was Kenyas liberation movement during the colonial period or era. Ogot highlighted the colonial rule and its contradiction nature in Kenya and Africa as a whole. His work presented the view that the colonial state and/ or the conquest were observed to be both authoritarian and weak as it lacked legitimacy. Another contribution of Ogot is that through his work, he describes how illiterate and incom petent officials in Africa struggled to cope with colonial version of administration, the missionarys roles, impacts of both the first and Second World War, religious movements and the reformist political associations that resulted from the educated elite. Through the work of Ogot, it is clear that a connection exists between local and national manifestations of what was referred to as nationalism. Ogot explains why the nationalist party KAU failed to establish itself in Nyanza. He argued that Kikuyu leadership in KAU was the major cause of its failure in Nyanza since they only focused on land grievances in kikuyu, which had little connection with Nyanza. According to Ogot, Mau Mau movement had historical significance since it was based on Kenyas decolonization. The goals of this movement were to make Kenya a nation in other words, to nationalize Kenya but we cannot call this movement a national movement since it was confined to one part of Kenya that is the Central Kenya. In addition, B.A Ogot focuses on both the ideology and social composition of Mau Mau and its origin in the context of African imagination and colonial era.  [3]  His writing focused on the people especially those who supported the movement and who opposed it amon g the kikuyu community. He indicated that the class and ideological divisions among kikuyu people mainly implicated the variations between the loyalist and fighters. These variations were based on access to land, affinities to Christianity and traditional culture, attitudes based on constitutionalism among others. He further showed that the differentiation of memories, age, political ecologies in terms of location and dreams about the future accounts for variations. It has been argued that, songs played a major role in peoples culture because people use songs to express their visions, problems, social values and appropriate possibilities. It was therefore through songs that the Mau Mau movement came into practice in Kenya as people expressed their demand for decolonization after a long period of suffering from the colonial states. Through songs, people were able to mobilize each other therefore reinforcing their strength and spirits of other supporters. According to him, the use of songs implicated that the Mau Mau movement was anti-colonial movement fighting for the decolonization of Kenya. These songs were sang in kikuyu language, symbols, history and legends and this explains why they were said to limit their accessibility and their national appeal. Another contribution of B.A Ogot in the reconstruction of African history is showed on his analyses of The birth of national language. During colonial era most of Africans in Kenya lacked national language since the European language used by the elite lacked nationality in it The researches conducted by B.A Ogot on national language showed that kikuyu was first made a national language because the origin of Mau Mau movement took its roots in Central Kenya  [4]  . The elites borrowed their language from the European and/ or colonial state but were few to make the language a national one. Mau Mau left behind legacy in Kenya based on the inherent biases and propaganda that its still in practiced in Kenya of today. He analyses how different and important figures of Mau Mau movement were arrested and detained with unintended outcomes. Ogot has addressed several critical issues that faced African societies from the colonial period to independence. He examined Africa in terms of politics, leadership, culture, development, identities, and functions of universities and impacts of globalizalisation on Africa. Through his work, Ogot urge writers to investigate more into the social realities that resulted to the current forms of leaders and treat Africans as evil.  [5]  The corruption presented by the modern African elite began during the colonial period with writers such as Elspeth Huxley who was said to have had distrusted the over educated African elite. It was argued that most of African nationalist used political slogans of the western during their struggle against the colonial states. In conclusion, the African history is a complex process of historical events that occurred from colonial era to date. The study highlights that the struggle for African history began with the view of Ogots generations and continue s to the current generation meaning that as we come up with new topics, theories and methodologies we must adhere to the mission that Inspired Ogott generation.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Tosco Marketing Company Quality Control :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Tosco Marketing Company Quality Control TOSCO MARKETING COMPANY Quality control comes in many forms. For some it is following a specific philosophy, such as those developed by Demming or Juran. For others it is achieving a specific degree of merit as that established by the Malcolm Baldridge Awards, or International Standard Organizations (ISO). However, the petroleum industry as a whole has compromised, shifted, and remained adaptable to an ever-changing world filled with government regulations and restrictions. The negative environmental impact of the petroleum industry is either not understood, grossly downplayed, or it is blatantly ignored. Government agencies have amended and abolished amendments in many of their policies so quickly that establishing best practices is nearly impossible. However, one thing in the petroleum industry remains the same. Safety is a key quality concept that must be adhered to. Tosco Corporation made a bad name for itself by ignoring certain safety issues. Quality control in the safety department was ineffective, and people died because of their neglect. Only recently have they outsourced the development of their safety program to Dupont. Introduction to Government Standards The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require an insurmountable amount of data, reports, testing, and auditing to ensure the compliance of all U.S. Oil Companies around the world. The most recent concern regarding the petroleum industry is that of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE’s) that are put in our fuel. Early on it was believed that adding MTBE’s to fuel would result in cleaner burning gasoline. However, according to the â€Å"Ground Water Monitor† small amounts seeped into the ground water and caused an unacceptable amount of contamination. The conception of MTBE’s was in 1967 with the passage of the Clean Air Act. This is the primary statute governing air quality in the United States. It assigns responsibilities to government and industry to reduce emissions from pollution sources such as automobiles, refineries, chemical plants, and power plants. However, it seems as though every solution to meet the stringent requirements poses another problem. The Clean Air Act has been amended several times, and most recently it is to be amended to ban MTBE’s by the year 2002.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

An Athletes Secret of Success Essay -- Sports Athletes Fitness Essays

An Athletes Secret of Success Vince Lombardi says, â€Å"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.† A dedicated athlete puts forth their all by fully devoting themselves to their sport. They always try to give one hundred and ten percent before, during, and after practice. Athletes achieve their success knowing they worked hard to attain it and can truly say they accomplished something that makes them a better person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A committed athlete devotes a great deal of time to practice. They arrive early in order to get in a better warm-up, give more than their best effort during practice, and stay after practice to repeat what they went over. Also, they p...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Report on field visit to SARDI (Aquatic Sciences)

Aquatic Sciences is a research division under SARDI with a main motto of the sustainable growth of South Australian Industries. The South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre (SAASC) is located at West Beach on the shores of Gulf St. Vincent and most of the research works in aquatic biology are conducted here. The thrust areas of research include 1. Aquaculture: Here active research is being carried out for freshwater, brackish and marine aquaculture needs. This include development of diets, species selection etc. 2. Marine Environment and Ecology: conduct research on habitat mapping, environmental impact assessment, etc. . Oceanography: Research to understand the influence of oceanographic factors on climate. 4. Wild Fisheries: They carry out stock assessment works and provide necessary information to the industries involved for the sustainable exploitation of the stocks such as abalone, rock lobster, prawns, snapper, garfish and Australian sardines. Also undertakes surveys to measure the impact of fishing effort on fish stocks. 5. Inland Waters & Catchment Ecology: Undertake research on inland water habitats. There are 87 research and technical staff, 18 support staff and 40 postgraduate positions at West Beach research centre. The facilities include a central library with the most modern and comprehensive literature of different aspects of aquatic sciences. The pool farm has facilities to carry out research in both marine and freshwater environments with tanks of different capacities. We were allowed to visit the different research infrastructure facilities such as coastal finfish hatcheries, sophisticated aquaculture laboratories, controlled environment rooms, fish aging laboratories, image analysis rooms etc. As a whole, the trip was of great use to understand the various research activities that are going on in the field of marine biology.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Positive Negative Impacts Of Globalai Essay

What is meant by western culture: Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization or European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, religious beliefs, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies. The term has come to apply to countries whose history is strongly marked by European immigration or settlement, such as the Americas, and Australasia, and is not restricted to Western Europe. Western culture stems from two sources: the Classical Period of the Greco-Roman era and the influence of Christianity. The artistic, philosophic, literary, and legal themes and traditions; the heritages of especially Latin, Celtic, Germanic, and Hellenic ethnic or linguistic groups; as well as a tradition of rationalism in various spheres of life, developed by Hellenistic philosophy, Scholasticism, Humanisms, the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment; and including, in political thought, widespread rational arguments in favour of free thought, human rights, equality and democracy. The facts of bengali people which are affected by westernalization- 1.Cultural forms 2. Festivals and celebrations 3.Acculturation theory 4.Impact on language 5.Impact on education 6.Impact on food habit 7.Impact on dress pattern 8.Impact on family 9. Impact on social customs and values 10. Impact on rcommunication and technology 12.Impact on film and literatureeligion 11.Impact on 13. Impact on profession related issues Positive impacts of westernization Due to globalization, westernization is spreading out all over the world. Westernization has been placed in different countries because of globalization and needless to say, it has had an impact on the lifestyle of  Bangladeshi peopl. It has out-rooted the traditional Bengali culture and the rate at which westernization is happening to Bangladesh is surprising. Regional languages are on the process of redefined. In many ways instating of regional language people have been used to English especially in urban areas youngsters. It had started get fixing with western clothing, western languages, western mannerisms and everything else westernized.Bangladeshi culture is influenced by three great religions- Hinduism, Buddhism band Islam in successive order, with Islam having the most pervading and lasting impact. Like a colorful montage, the cultural tradition of the country is a happy blending of many variants, unique in diversity but in essence greatly symmetrical. Beside, the festival of PohelaBaishakh, people is now celebrating like other western cultural festivals especially in young group such as-  · Valentine’s Day,  · Friendship Day,  · Mother’s day,  · Father’s day.  · And other international celebrations. Now a day people are concern about how we think about globally, what the other country are doing in their cultural issue, just we observe and absorbing them. There is lot of issues that we automatically know about it; even he/she has a little knowledge about westernization. But, people are moving with it in all the way. Now a day’s every country in this world is treated as village, you can imagine whatever you can. That’s the way people are communicate easily to each other make things differences. Globalization has only one overarching feature–integration. It is all about collectiveness and ever increasing interconnectedness. It in effect influences everything, whether it is a company or a country. But here is a fact, is globalization all the way keeps help to connect to each other or build a strong communication in â€Å"borderless world†? If it is a question, then how it impacts in our society as well as in our culture? The Cable television has made different attraction in around  the world as well as in Bangladeshi household. Foreign movies have come and have reflected their culture in it. This has made a huge impact on the minds of the Bangladeshi people. Not to mention the easy availability of Internet whose reach even extends till rural areas? The internet has opened up opportunities for people to learn more about foreign cultures and places. It has made Bangladeshi more acceptable and open-minded towards change. Globalization has broken all borders. As a result, the new generation of Bangladeshi is more knowledgeable, more aware and more interested in the world around them. In our society, women who were once the exploited and ignored part of the population, now assert their rights of being a woman. Women now have more access to education and know more about their rights and their identity as a woman. Nowadays, you find women in the society who work alongside men. Men-dominated fields see the coming up of the woman. Men and women are slowly being treated equally. Negative impacts of westernization At the side of the positive, Bangladeshi people are involving day by day with negative activities which is destroying our own culture because of following western culture. However no matter have occurred by this way, what people are doing in our society.western dress is another factor that creates an imbalance in our society especially for woman group (whenever girls wear a shirt, t-shirt, and pant in our society, due to feel or sensation of comfortable) which does not permit within our culture as majority of Muslim nationality. For wearing that kind of dresses men are mostly thinking in negative sense. Children are involving some bad works which derived from western culture particularly from cable connection at their home. In some cases, young generation forget to respect their elder one., boys and girls are very much interested on going to DJ party at different night club. And, sometimes they want to live together before marriage which is extremely prohibited by our culture. Boys are using Tattoos on their body also. Bangladeshi people are now a day’s changing their behavior and habit in food. Easily converted to western ideas some cases it makes a question mark in our ethical perspective also. We referred those western materials by like fast food which is harmful for our health. Mostly, the young generation is very much interested on English movies, western music, dresses, foods and other things rather than Bengali culture. Now, young generation and even  also middle age people are not that much conscious about Bengali culture because of the globalization. In this way, Bengali culture is now no more originated by own culture, even it is losing her own value. Culture is the set of patterns of human activity within a society or social group and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance. Customs, traditions, laws, social standards and popular styles mainly constitute the cultural elements. There are many cultures currently existent in today’s modern world. Some cultures originated about a hundred of years back and are still surviving, whereas a few have evolved by absorbing the exciting and major elements of these already existent cultures. In this article, i am mainly going to focus on the two most talked about cultures of the world, the western culture and the Indian culture. The strength that this topic has been holding and the endless number of debates held over it has attracted me to express my opinion on it too. Undoubtedly, western culture and Indian culture are poles apart. There is a significant difference between the two in all aspect. Amongst all others the most noticeable difference between the two is that India has been a family oriented society, whereas America has been an individual oriented society. Openness and self dependency are a few words that define western culture, but Indian culture is the complete opposite of this. Globalisation and mass media has laid the basis of the merger of western culture with Indian culture and this collision can better be termed as westernisation. The damage that Indian culture has experienced can be broken down into three parts which are, pursuit of wealth, complex of the west and the most essential of all the power of western media. Cinema is the most powerful media, hence it is not only an entertainment industry, but is also seen as a role model. According to me, majority of the western ideas such as cohabitation, etc, have travelled through this medium. In other words, Hollywood has definitely influenced Bollywood and is responsible to a large extent for this clashing of culture. Respect for human rights, democracy, free speech and women’s rights are concepts which have had a wide ranging influence on Bangladesh. Even if they  have not as yet completely permeated to the level of the masses. The media is an effective way of influencing people. But unfortunately, in Bangladesh, always the negative side of all good things seems to influence people the most Bangladesh Television, which actually aired really good US TV serials, the Bangladeshi people soon began to become addicted to the Indian culture. They ate, drank, walked, talked, shopped, and slept like Indian people. They still do. As days passed, the number of Indian channels began to increase. Now there are more channels than there were channels on a TV set back in the 90s. The strongest influence of this culture is on children and women. There was a time when teenage boys never watched a single Hindi movie. Nowadays, from child to men all watch Hindi programmes including movies.This success is not for the Bangladeshi culture, but for Indian culture. Indian culture is eating up the creativity and productivity of many talented Bangladeshi individuals.

Manufacturing Management

In simple terms, cash flow is how money moves into and out of your business or how the cycle of cash flows in and flows out of your business thereby helping to determine the solvency of your business (How, 2007). Cost flow in a manufacturing firm involves the expense of the direct materials the manufacturer will be needing for business, the cost of direct labor that will need to be paid for as part of the cash flow process along with the manufacturing overhead that needs to come out of the cash flow. Whereas the cash flow in a service firm would not as much involve physical materials in general but the cost of training, marketing, advertising, travel in addition to the expense involved in whatever particular service that firm specializes in. In general, in the operations of a manufacturing firm most of the work would be handled in a central location, namely if it is one firm, in that particular manufacturing firm’s location. Travel can be a necessity for the management in some manufacturing firms. Employees and especially management of a service firm would be less â€Å"centrally located† in that service firm employees generally travel to the places and customers which need their services. With manufacturing firms you may have a few individuals who travel to introduce their product but overall the energy and expense would be â€Å"product-related.† Service firms generally do not spend as much time, energy or development or industrial design as most of their time spent in research, development and advertising their particular services. The majority of their time and energy would be service-related and changes more from user to user than would a manufacturer who generally supplies to places that need the products they already manufacture. One would have more blue-collar employees within a manufacturing firm while more white-collar employees would be in the labor force of a service firm due to the different training, education and skills needed for the two different types of firms. Vertical analysis would be â€Å"dividing each expense item in the income statement of a given year by net sales to identify expense items that rise more quickly or more slowly than a change in sales (Vertical, 2007). In using the vertical analysis, an analyst would be able to give management the information results gained by comparing the percentage mark-up of asset items along with how they have been financed. In addition, an analyst would be able to observe the trend of the increase in the assets and liabilities over the years (Vertical 2007). The statements that would be used for the vertical analysis would come from comparing the financial statements of firms that vary in size. Using a balance sheet, the assets, liabilities and the assets would be expressed as 100% whereas each item in the various categories would be expressed as a percentage of the respective totals. In using the common size income statement all the items in the income statement would be expressed as a percentage of the sales while sales is expressed as 100%. Horizontal analysis would be â€Å"the process of dividing each expense item of a given year by the same expense item in the base year. This process allows assessment of changes in the relative importance of expense items over time and the behavior of expense items as sales change† (Vertical, 2007). The most important information the horizontal analysis provides management would be trend. Over several years the direction, speed and extent of the trend can be seen by the information provided by the horizontal analysis. The statement one would use to do the horizontal analysis would be setting consecutive balance sheets, income statement or statement of cash flow side-by-side and reviewing any changes in the various categories on a yearly or multiyear basis (Vertical, 2007). References (2007). â€Å"vertical analysis.† Retrieved April 12, 2007, from The Free Dictionary Web site: (2007). Vertical and Horizontal Analysis Technique. Retrieved April 13, 2007, from Financial Analysis Revisited Web site: (2007). How to better manage your cash flow. Retrieved April 12, 2007, from Web site:

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Relating Pairs of Non-Zero Simple Zeros of Analytic Functions

Relating Pairs of Non-Zero Simple Zeros of Analytic Functions Edwin G. Chasten June 9, 2008 Abstract We prove a theorem that relates non-zero simple zeros sol and z of two arbitrary analytic functions f and g, respectively. Preliminaries Let C denote the set of Complex numbers, and let R denote the set of real numbers. We will be begin by describing some fundamental results from complex analysis that will be used in proving our main lemmas and theorems.For a description of the basics of complex analysis, we refer the reader to the complex analysis text Complex Variables for Mathematics and Engineering Second Edition by John H. Mathews. The following theorems have particular relevance to the theorems we will be proving later in this paper, and will be stated with out proof, but proofs can be found in [1]. Theorem 1 (Deformation of Contour)(Mathews) If CLC and ca are simple positively oriented contours with CLC interior to ca , then for any analytic function f defined in a domain conta ining both contours, the following equation holds true [1]. F (z)adz -? CLC f (z)adz Proof of Theorem 1 : See pages 129-130 of [1]. The Deformation Theorem basically tells us that if we have an analytic function f defined on an open region D of the complex plane, then the contour integral off long a closed contour c about any point z in D is equivalent to the contour integral of f along any other closed contour co enclosing that same point z. The Deformation Theorem allows us to shrink a contour about a point z arbitrarily close to that point, and still be guaranteed that the value of the contour integral about that point will be unchanged.This property will be instrumental in the proof of a lemma we will be using in proving our main result that relates all ordered pairs (zoo , sol ) of non-zero simple zeros, zoo and sol , of any two arbitrary analytic functions, f and g, each having one of those points as a simple zero. This powerful result is both non-trivial, and counter-intuitiv e: there is no reason to think right owe that all pairs of non-zero simple zeros of analytic functions are related.The result is non-trivial because our result only works for pairs of non-zero simple zeros and does not in general carry over to more than two non-zero simple zeros. All of the statements above will be proven rigorously The author wishes to proper special thanks to Sean Apple, DRP. Edwin Ford, Ryan Mitchell, and Larry Washman for all of their insights and contributions to making this paper possible. Without each one of them, none of what is in this paper, however useful or not, would have been possible. In this paper.But before this, we wish to describe briefly one case where a more general result does hold; namely, that if the non-zero simple zeros of an analytic function g are closed under multiplication, then the non-zero simple zeros of any other arbitrary analytic function, say h, that is defined on a union of open regions in the complex plane containing all of the non-zero simple zeros of said function g, can be related using a slight modification of our main theorem to be proven. All but the last of these statements, too, will be proven rigorously in this paper, as the proof of he last statement is trivial.One particular application of this special case of our main theorem to be proved, is the reduction of the prime factorization problem down to evaluating contour integrals of any number of possible analytic functions over a closed contour. More specifically, the integral is taken over a closed contour containing information about the prime factors of a product of prime numbers. The product to be factored is contained in the argument of a product of analytic functions, f and g, each of whose only zeros in the complex plane occur at the integers, and the result is a factor of the product of prime numbers.This particular result was the main conclusion obtained via our two year research project consisting of the following researchers: Sean App le, DRP. Edwin Ford, Ryan Mitchell, and Larry Washman, math instructor at Pierce Community College. Our collaborative research on the integer prime factorization problem was of great inspiration to the author in the formation of the generalization that is the main theorem of this paper.This main theorem, itself, is a generalization of some machinery we had together developed to reduce the prime factorization problem to evaluating contour integrals of the product f two specially chosen functions in the complex plane during the two year research project. The author wishes to thank Sean Apple, DRP. Edwin Ford, Ryan Mitchell, and Larry Washman, for their inspiration and help in making this generalization possible, for without them, none of this, however useful or not, would have been discovered at this time.For the following discussion, see page 113 of [1] for a formal definition of a contour. Now we shall discuss some more theorems that will be instrumental in proving our main results. The following theorem is called Cauchy Integral Formula. It provides us a way to represent arbitrary analytic functions evaluated at a point z in the domain of definition of the function in terms of a contour integral. This highly famous result is extremely powerful, and has many applications in both physics and engineering [1].It is also instrumental in proving a most counter-intuitive result: that if a function f is determinable on an open subset of the complex plane (I. E. If f is analytic on an open subset of the complex plane), then f has derivatives of all orders on that set [1]. In other words, if a function f has a first derivative on an open subset f complex numbers, then it has a second derivative defined on the same open subset of complex numbers, and it has a third derivative defined on the same open subset of complex numbers and so on ad infinitum [1].Theorem 2 (Cauchy Integral Formula)(Mathews) Let f be analytic in the simply connected domain D, and let c be a simple closed positively oriented contour that lies in D. If zoo is a point that lies interior to c, then the following holds true [1]. adz Proof of Theorem 2: see page 141 of [1]. The following theorem is called Leibniz Rule and along with Cauchy Integral Formula is instrumental in proving what is known as Cauchy Integral Formula for Derivatives, which has as a corollary, that functions that are analytic on a simply connected domain D, have derivatives of all orders on that same set [1].Without this theorem, we would need much stronger assumptions in the premise of our theorem relating pairs of non-zero simple zeros of analytic functions. Although we shall not use Leibniz rule directly in any of our proofs, Leibniz rule together with Cauchy Integral Formula form the back-bone of the machinery in the proof of Cauchy Integral Formula for Derivatives given in [1] on page 144, which we shall only outline. 2 Theorem 3 (Leibniz Rule)(Mathews) Let D be a simply connected domain, and let I : a t 0 b be an interval of real numbers.Let f (z, t) and its partial derivative fez (z, t) with respect to z be continuous functions for all z in D, and all t 2 1. Then the following holds true [1]. B f (z, t)dot fez (z, t)dot is analytic for z 2 D, and Proof of Theorem 3: The proof is given in [2]. The following Theorem is called Cauchy Integral Formula for derivatives and allows one to express the derivative of a function f at a point z in the domain off by a onto integral formula about a contour c containing the point z in its interior.The formula shows up in the remainder term in the proof of Tailor's Theorem. The remainder term mentioned above is used in the proof of Theorem (10), our main result. Theorem 4 [1](Mathews) Let f : D ! C be an analytic function in the simply connected domain D. Let be a simple closed positively oriented contour that is contained in D. If z is a point interior to c, then n! Ads z)n+l Proof of Theorem 4: We give here a sketch of the proof appearing in [1] . The proof is inductive and starts with the parameterization C : s = s(t) ND Ads = s (t)dot for a 0 t 0 b.Then Cauchy Integral formula is used to rewrite f in the form O f (s(t))so (t) dot s(t) z The proof then notes that the integrands in (B) are functions of z and t and the f and the partial derivative off with respect to z, fez , are derived and then Leibniz rule is applied to establish the base case for n = 1. Then induction is applied to prove the general formula. The main point of this is Corollary (5. 1) in [1] on page 144, which states that if a function f is analytic in a domain D, then the function has derivatives 3 of all orders in D, and these derivatives are analytic in D.Without this corollary, we could not relate the non-zero simple zeros of analytic functions as stated in Theorem (10); instead, the best we could do is to relate the non-zero simple zeros of functions whose second derivative exists on the intersection of the domains of the functions that contain the p air of non-zero simple zeros of the pair of given functions. But with Corollary (5. 1), we need only assume analyticity of the functions in question at the non-zero simple zeros, which significantly strengthens the results of our paper.Below we will give the definition of what is known in complex and real analysis as a ere of an analytic function f of a given order k, where k is a non-negative integer. What the order of a zero z tells us is how many of the derivatives of the function f are zero at z in addition to f itself. What is known is that if two functions, f and g, have a zero of order k and m, respectively, at some point zoo in the complex numbers, then the product of the two function f and g, denoted f g, will have a zero of order k + m at the point zoo [1].